Bruce Banner/Hulk

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I have been friends with the Avengers for quite a while now. "Hey agent (Y/L/N), would you do me the honor of coming to my party tonight?" Stark said through the speakers in F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Sure, will Bruce be there?" And after I said that I realized I was on speakerphone. "Yes he will be, should I have him pick you up at 8?" Instead of answering I just hung up.

Then 7pm came faster than I thought. So I decided to get ready. I wore my best dress and made sure I had a outfit picked out for later so that when I come home wasted I can just put on the other outfit. Cause we all know I am going to come home and want to get right into bed.

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I was done getting dressed and decided to head downstairs where the party was

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I was done getting dressed and decided to head downstairs where the party was. I made my way down the steps and I could feel the different eyes looking my way. "I thought Banner was picking you up?" Steve asked right when my best friend walked towards us in her beautiful blue dress. "Well I thought Stark was kidding." I said then looked over at (Y/BFF/N). "Wow, you look amazing." "So do you, (Y/N)." Then she gave a kiss to Steve. "Rogers, accompany me on the dance floor?" "Anything for you darlin, you sure you will be okay all alone here?" I nodded.

They went to go dance and then it hit me. All alone. It's strange how two words like that can really affect someone's night. "You look great." I turn my head to see Bruce in a tux looking dapper as ever. "Thank you, so do you."

"Wanna dance?" I smiled and took his hand to the dance floor. We danced till the sun came up. It was such a magical evening. Aside from Tony getting drunk, Steve and (Y/BFF/N) going home early, and everyone else disappearing throughout the night.

"I think we should turn in." I said as I looked over at the DJ, who was packing up. "Yeah, let me walk you to your room then." He said as he gave you his jacket to put around your arms.

We walked hand in hand all the way up the stairs into he hallway that led to my room. I gave him back his jacket and then walked up to my door.

"Thank you for such an amazing night, Bruce." "No, thank you. I don't think I've had fun like that in a really long time. I really appreciate it." I blushed and then kissed him on the cheek.

"By the way you look really great in green." He said to me as I entered my bedroom and he stood outside.

"So do you." I said just before I shut the door behind me.

" I said just before I shut the door behind me

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