Dies 111 DAY THREE
I had nothing to scribble about in day two so thought I would go straight into day three
It was noteworthy, a metal drone flew outa the sky and dropped a parcel into my arms. I staggered back as it was super heavy and I nearly, but not, dropped it. It was touch and go for a few breaths. I raced up stairs and into my room. Golden eye opened up before I got to the landing. For a door it certainly had good hearing. The brown paper parcel slipped outa my hands and landed on my bed. I heard a definite "clink" as it settled. In a rush I tore off the paper and then opened a dark closed satchel. Inside was a lamp of green with writing on it. It was from Pa. He had written about the lamp and how he and I could converse to each other. As I read his note the words faded, the paper and satchel burst into flames and it all disappeared. Not a skerrick of ash remained, I giggled as I knew it was Pa getting rid of the rubbish.
I gingerly said, 'Thanks' Pa,' into the lamp. It wasn't plugged into a power point as it lit up. I placed it on the small table next to the covered chair.
Next minute his voice although a bit tinny said, 'you are very welcome my daughter,'
My heart nearly burst open because my Pa still loved me and hadn't got rid of me like I first thought. The whole time I was on Earth Pa and I had heaps of conversations together. It was especially handy when I met someone couldn't find answers for schoolwork and when I started my endeavours. He was a huge help, also it was a way for us to keep connected. I really didn't trust Mother, Pa laughed when I told him. He said if I wanted, I could call him Father, but I didn't. I wanted our way to be as before. He agreed and I knew he was pleased because his voice was very light. Someone banged on my door. I'd been talking to Pa and hadn't been for breakfast. Tin head was silent when Pa and I conversed. I was worried super about tin head and if it spied when we talked. Pa did something from home and it was made to sleep. I really wanted to learn that trick. Pa said when I was older it would come natural like.
My hands auto waved and the door flew open. Cara was outside just as tin head woke up and said 'Missed breakfast miss.'
I didn't care about missing breakfast we had no such thing back home. Our main meal was dinner in the evening and it was lavish. We had light snacks during the day with lots of water to drink as being you know where you could get extra dry if you didn't keep up with your fluids. I had tried to explain to tinny, Cara and Ma, but half the time they didn't listen or if it was Ma, she was on her cell/mobile talking to whomever. By now Cara didn't bow to me when we were alone. She also only called me Highness when we were with others. Mother was a real pain when it came to how to meet and greet. I giggled the first time some old prissy dude and chic called. You could have driven a beetle over the lines in their faces. They both wore specs on their faces and she had bright red lip gloss on her lined lips. Red cheeks made her look like a clown. They had private converts to Ma in her office after she demanded I greet the visitors. Not that I think specs aren't bad, Pa wears them on occasions when he has to do a big read of somethin. I also don't have problems with lined faces. I was just trying to describe them. Now I'm remembering something so thought I'd better tell you before I forget. These short sleeps weren't doing wonders for my memory.
One of Red's birthday's Pa had organised a circus with animals, swingers on ropes and clowns from up top. I'm positive they had no idea they were somewhere other than Earth when they were with us as they gave us a great show. Red spoiled it a bit because he wanted to keep one of the baby elephants and Pa said no. He screamed and wriggled on the ground until pa picked him up and held him to his chest. The circus disappeared and Pa did something to Red and he went to sleep. Talk about not fair I had to clean up the mess the creatures made. Red got away with lots; he was so much more cunning than me. I found out later Red had horrible dreams. Pa had mucked up his mind to make him less demanding. Our Pa was more devious than us two put together. Years later he said the divinity in us stopped us. It never entered my skull that Pa and Ma screwed us up.
FantasíaTrials and tribulations of the immortal child of the Devil. She tells the story of living in Hell or Tartarus with her father, brother, demons, and other beings who venture into her home. It is told through the eyes of a two hundred thousand Earth y...