Honestly the fireside girls being a mini-military is so funny to me

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Good pnf canon:

-the fireside girls are always prepared for a zombie apocalypse

-isabella could fucking decimate buford

-jeremy thinks perry is cute

-buford is shit fucking terrified in suzy and no one but candace understands why

-about half the time isabella is talking to phineas she's not even listening she's just zoned out imagining him confessing his love to her

-ferb knows about isabellas crush on phineas and wingmans for her

-isabellas pupils turning into hearts around phineas actually happened in-universe against all laws of physics

-baljeet was a few days away from inventing time travel from scratch and only didnt because he was informed a time machine already existed

-baljeet is gonna become president

-buford is a fucking lord of the rings fan who plays dnd dkdkkekdkekfkck

-doofinshmirtz never read norms instruction manual

-vannessa likes drusselstinian food and board games

-ferb is short for ferbs

-buford met doof and basically his only noteworthy reaction to this guy was repeatedly messing up his name

-doof thinks buford is a 'nice kid' 🥺

-the founder of the tri-state area had the surname tri-state

-phineas apparently loans ferb out sometimes fkckdkekdo?????

-buford can speak fluent french and latin

-phineas is a pretty much a theatre kid and takes every opportunity to wear costumes, give massive dramatic speeches and overall make huge spectacle of his and ferbs creations

-charlene is more welcome at doofinshmirtz family reunions than doof fkckdkekdkdkkd

-roger spent 20 years restoring a painting doof did that he accidentally destroyed

-'paid intern' is an official title at OWCA. Those in the position do not get paid

-OWCA does like. Fuck all actual research on what doof is doing fkckekfkocodosf many times monogram literally goes 'i dunno whats happening but get over there and put a stop to it'

-perry has a key to doofs apartment because it was starting to cost a fortune to repair all the holes in the doors and walls

-lawrence is the most chill man on earth. He'll walk into a room to see 30 baljeets and be like 'alright carry on then' and phineas and ferb will rock up to his window in a homemade monster struck and he's like 'oh whats this then oh that looks fun mind if i join'

-he's also so boring that his version of a mid-life crisis is trying a different kind of tea

-baljeet avoids using contractions because he's afraid of them

-phineas is like. The worst liar on earth

-phineas and ferb follow parental instructions to the letter, not to be smartasses but because thats just how their brains work. Like they were once stranded on a desert island and, despite being fully capable of getting everyone back to shore in a million different ways, didnt because their dad only asked them to build a shelter

-the only thing buford wanted for christmas was for his friends to think of him as nice

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