He's trying god bless him

15 1 4

Lowkey a very funny and cute way to view that episode cos it implies 1: mishti's parents had the forethought tell her baljeet was trans ahead of time but baljeets parents just Completely dropped the ball in that regard and 2: baljeet was freaking out about treating mishti like a girl because he was trying to be supportive and just has 0 subtlety and social skills dkdkeie

I mean the latter makes sense considering baljeet never made such a big deal out of interacting with isabella or the fireside girls and it also makes the contrast between mishti just being the chillest girl who only wants to hang out and baljeet overthinking literally everything more funny. She was just like 'oh ok baljeets a boy now' meanwhile baljeet goes into overdrive trying to have the most basic of interactions with her

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