Had a lot more ideas for this than i thought im pleasantly surprised

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Bad ageing up pnf content:

-16 year olds or just straight to adults

-only done to make porn of children

-the most condescending-to-phineas phinabella you can imagine

Good ageing up pfn content:

-the gang is like 12-13

-ferb gets acne and keeps growing his hair out to hide it until it gets to like comical in-front-of-his-eyes lengths and candace has to step in and teach him how to actually deal with it

-phineas gets a growth spurt and his voice keeps breaking and everyone is more annoyed when he acts childish now and he decides he Hates This and has to get a mabel-and-dipper speech from his friends about why growing up isnt that bad and they'll be with him through it and please turn off the anti-ageing machine

-isabella starts her periods and feels shitty so phineas dedicates the day to doing something elaborate and nice to make her feel better which is sweet at first but then the same thing keeps happening every month until she has to tell him to stop changing his whole days plans because she mentioned one (1) time in passing that she felt crummy

-also phineas would absolutely do shit like get up on stage at a circus they built or smth and announce the whole thing is to make his friend feel better cos shes on her period and see absolutely nothing embarrassing about that for isabella

-not puberty related but the time skip means buford and baljeet can just be straight up friends now and that makes me happy. And dont even try to convince me the transition would have taken longer than that buford literally calls baljeet his best friend in the same summer he used to run him up flagpoles by his underpants this character development was Quick, they were probably Over It by like the next year

-speaking of transitions: trans baljeet having dysphoria issues but since he isnt out everyone gets worried why he's so down a lot with no explanation and it culminates in like a surprise party in his back garden and its not even a special day they just wanted him to be happy and see how many friends he has and he nearly got damn cries

-anywho the timeskip allows for bujeet thats not problematic but also the characters arent completely different people than the ones we actually watched cos its been like 10 years so thats neat. This ship is teased a lot in the show in a jokey way so i can only view it through a comedic lens now lol. Like you know that trope where a character realises they're in love with another and is like 'NOOOOOOO'? Yeah that. That on both sides

-also i can only picture stupid shit with them like baljeet doesnt realise that '<3' is a heart and not a cyclops making a closed eye :3 face like i didnt, therefore making buford freak out for like a week over being sent it because puberty lowkey turned him into candace with the amount he overthinks stuff from watching too many shitty teen-dramas and after days of talking to the fireside girls who are exactly the same and convinced him this was Super Important he says smth to baljeet and baljeet is right oblivious


Lawrence: ah so you boys are at that special age, eh?

Phineas: yeah! This year we're turning 13. Technically a teen! That's so cool :)

-genuinely can't tell if phineas would walk out of The Talk a broken man because society has told him this means his childhood is over or take it in stride and only think of it in the strictly scientific 'sperm fertilises the egg' terms so he doesnt understand why people get embarrassed when he mentions sex

-same with ferb but his version of broken man is indistinguishable from normal ferb except he says once in a completely flat tone 'my innocence is dead'

-buford, however, i KNOW would be a broken man. Buford Van Stomm has 2 fears: suzy johnson and having to relive The Talk with his mother. He acts melodramatically traumatised the whole week after, to everyone but phineas (who's genuinely concerned)'s annoyance

-also he probably asked isabella why she couldnt 'hold in' her period at one point and her and baljert gave him the driest, most thoroughly exhausted look possible

-on a cuter note: when candace comes home from uni, every time without fail the boys have done some big welcome home celebration. Sometimes its a party, sometimes it's an elaborate gift, sometimes they redo her bedroom into basically a funky clubhouse with about 30 extra tardis rooms. Of course linda never sees lol. Picturing candace on the phone with her on the way over like 'no i wont try to bust my brothers, im an adult now mom, haha i've grown out of that' and it like cuts to her dragging linda into her room like 'LOOK WHAT THE BOYS DID!!'  'Oh how sweet! They cleaned the room for you!'  'B-b-b-b-but,,'

-also the boys probably go to visit candace sometimes and she's trying to convince herself shes Mature now she's Over It but then she turns her back for like 5 minutes and sees they've built a jungle gym in the middle of campus because 'every school should have a playground, thats just common courtesy' and she's instantly Back, Baby

-also YEEEAAH phineas and ferb ABSOLUTELY rage that their new school doesn't have a playground or as much break time because they're too 'old for that' and make like a whole school riot protesting the death of fun

-phineas and ferb are well known and popular in candace's lawschool from their antics when they see her and everyone thinks candace is so cool for having such cool little brothers :)

-ACTUALLY WAIT considering the timeline from electric boogaloo, candace likely got pregnant with amanda around this time. Oh you KNOW the boys threw her the biggest celebration when they found out and didnt understand why she was so upset and freaking out abt it ohhh no angsty set-up :(((

-on a happier note: doof and perry Fwiends now :)

'Hey where's perry?'

*cut to perry and doof playing checkers*

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