Its so cute this is such a nice character arc

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Maybe this is why bully bromance breakup being weird and messy makes me upset because buford and baljeets friendship underneath the bullying facade is actually really sweet

As much as they bicker, they actually have a lot of common ground and in a way are both better people now that they're friends. Baljeet is more confident and buford has someone he cares about enough that he feels safe dropping his act with, even more so than with the whole group. For as funny and memorable as them being an old married couple is, they have just as many moments just having fun together, no strings attached. They clearly care about each other and always want the other safe and its...its nice. Theres so many little things too i appreciate in the dynamic like them both being dnd nerds, it being implied baljeet is over at bufords house a lot, buford carrying baljeet and lifting him to high places not so much as a way to humiliate him but as a way of showing affection by the end, the fact that he says he worries about baljeet, baljeet never making a big deal out of buford showing his more emotional side, therefore subconsciously encouraging him that its safe to show his insecurities around him more, the fact that buford tells baljeet things he doesnt tell anyone else, the fact that baljeets first thought upon a big achievement is showing buford...

Look its very sweet and if theres one thing i appreciate in act your age its that they made it very clear that buford grows out of his need to keep up the bully persona and they just become normal friends because thats what they deserve. Like they're literally best friends by the end of the series so that shift in dynamic probably happened not long after the show ended anyway

I dont have a point to make i just really like their friendship

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