Theres smaller stuff too but i dont ACTUALLY ship this so this'll do

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Not to be cringe but buford x phineas for your consideration


-buford Decided he was friends with phineas before any of the rest of the gang (and specifically phineas, ferb was just kinda There that episode)

-he also felt comfortable telling phineas about biff even when he was still acting as a bully

-phineas accepts buford into the group dynamic weirdly quickly even when he was still kind of a jerk

-he also put loads of cool weapons on bufords chariot in the chariot race and outright says he doesnt know why he did that

-in the moon ice cream episode bufords spacesuit was the only one customised outside of isabellas- who phineas is best friends with and would do owt for so. Take that how you will

-i know phineas isnt the only one buford has nicknamed but dinner bell is like so specific compared to the others implying buford put more thought into it and he rlly had no reason to

-in gaming the system buford, who at this point was still kind of a jerk, wanted to show off his video game to phineas and ferb and happily lets phineas play on it. Phineas also mentions later on that he and ferb made buford the boss of the game because it made him really happy in a tone that implies he wanted to see buford happy, not like he was trying to humour him or owt

-that scene in CATU where phineas runs STRAIGHT for buford SPECIFICALLY and tries to lift him off the ground with his little twig arms Got me alright its SO cute

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