Chapter 6: Searching for our "Masked" savior

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The hooded-figure was walking on the West Wall, where they were supposed to meet up with the rest of their comrades, but it seems like they were once again late. Well, it is probably that old man’s fault for their tardiness, since he never really did like to travel, or work. He truly was a useless man, that old man of the hooded-figure. Sighing, the hooded-figure shifted on the wall, resting their covered hands on the wall, leaning a little over the edge, the hooded-figure saw a couple more of hooded-figure’s in the distance.

One in particular was lagging behind the other four figures, a dust cloud could be seen, showing that the hooded-figure’s comrades were trying their best to leave the loner as far as behind as they could. They couldn’t exactly blame the other four, since the lager was such a pain sometimes, and was probably smoking, which most of the group did not appreciate. But the old-lager would always lecture that it kept the unwanted away, which it did, but still didn’t help his situation with the rest of the group. Or anyone in particular, which made the hooded-figure on the wall grapple the wall that he was leaning against, in a really aggravating way.

Sometimes that old-lager could really get under their skin. With agitation settling in, the hooded-figure disappeared from their perch on the wall, and reappeared behind the lager in seconds. The old-lager jumped at the sudden intrusion of his quiet time, when the group of youngsters walked ahead of him, only to have another youngster come up behind him and scare the only smoke he had left. The hooded-figure stood over the old-lager, watching in distain as the old-man searched through the sand that covered the West side of Under-Light, for his probably last smoke.

“Look old-man, we don’t exactly have time for you to idly search for something that you can easily replace. You do know that we’re about to enter a town, right? They probably have a smoke house somewhere-“

The hooded-youngster stopped midway in his sentence and saw that the old-lager was know where to be seen, but was rushing ahead of the hooded group and them. Quickly towards to Under-Light’s West gate. Sighing, the hooded-youngster scratched the back of their head and breathed in the moist air that lurked around Under-Light. Which they somehow had gotten used to over the short stay. At least it was better than the city-air of Sun-Diamond. Also, they got to see the clear ceiling of Sun-glow, glimmering brightly, acting as Under-Light’s and Under-Niji’s Sun and Moon.

They really did have it good here.

A group member slowed their steps, and where soon walking besides the hooded-youngster. The hooded-youngster glanced down at the littlest one out of the group, and gave them a soft smile.

“Nothing to worry about, Bunny. Look what I got,” the hooded-figure reached within their sleeves and pulled out the charm from earlier. Showing it to the little one, they placed the fragmented necklace into their own black covered hands.

A soft jingling noise could be heard from the sheer movement from the tiny ones opened hands. When the silver pendent hit their palms, the Sun-glow beamed and swirled within their holds. The hooded-figure knew that the little one had an ability to turn anything to dust, but such a reaction from the Sun-glow. The hooded-figure clenched their chin, and watched in amazement as the Sun-glow beamed then dimmed under the little one’s own reaction. What was it about these Hanyou girls, their father had picked up that made them so unaffected by the Sun-glows’ own power.

The little one beamed once more as the Sun-glow brightened and swirled in quick movements that it almost seemed as if the charm itself was going to break from the sheer pressure. The hooded-figure reached for the pendent and tousled the little one’s head, making it seem as if they were praising her. But in reality the hooded-figure didn’t want any more casualties that day. Still petting the girls cloaked head, he could feel the glare from the other three who had slowed their own pace, and watched from afar in astonishment. But two of them didn’t exactly trust the hooded-figure with their older sister, who was still oblivious to mere things as trusting these people. Especially, the father who took them in that day, but what else could one do when their oldest sibling was dying from her own ability back firing.

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