A Special thanks to you, my motivators

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Hiya guys,

I just wanted to say thank you for reading this far in the Wolfdane Books

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I just wanted to say thank you for reading this far in the Wolfdane Books. It's been rough for these characters, and me as well; just writing them sometimes, I wanted to quit writing and leave this book series just at the first book. But then my best pal tells me I should write more, because she knows something good can happen to this series, and to me as well. I have come across some writer's block along the way, but even if I just pushed it away in a deep dark corner, I was once again pushed to write this story.

With some hints here and there of what I should touch upon, I picked up my pencil; and mouse, and started writing out scenarios my characters and the story could go along with. After many trials and errors along the way, I thought and even had it pointed out to me that I wrote something for a far off character in the very far, far future. Like very far... Didn't realize that until I looked up how long a certain number of generations was... Oops, so I decided to help something set up for my story and characters to tie some loose ends with the first, and dive on in the next.. Hoping that I could somehow catch up to that generation.. Somehow, I know I can do it... But, I will let you know now. I don't think I'll write that many books to catch up to a 9 generations I believe I wrote for that character. Maybe...(If you're not too sure on which character I am talking about; it's the bonus chapter to the first book <D). (And you guys, my motivators who help me push to write as well. By that simple read, or note.)

So, yeah that would be a lot of books to write to just get to that point. So, I decided that since I had other characters; that were sadly enough not written either at all or hardly mentioned in my first book, that I did have planned on coming into the series, why not go ahead with the next book and introduce them. But first let's add that deadly drama, that some may or may not appreciate.

That would be me... I don't exactly like drama, but am pulled to it nonstop. Thank television shows... So addicting, the suspense and mysteries and adventure on figuring things out throughout the show is too enticing for me to turn my head away from.

Back to this story, I decided to add those characters I did plan on having in the first, but then ended up not will be showing up more and more in this second book than ever. There may be some new characters' that were just honestly made up on the spot. And there needed to be some names and places to balance the story out too. So many things to know and have written down for this story, I forgot how much information you actually need for a story.

Background, information on places, people, things, creatures. Ya name it.

Not even mentioning the mere fact that it's very helpful to have images to those faces, places, other beings and etc. It's a never ending cycle, rollercoaster, up and down moments, wanting to give up and just chuck the damn thing away. It's all too much for some of us writers' to handle, but with a slight push in the right direction you can do it.

Be it your family, friends, closest friends, or something to little to drastically huge happen to or in your life to give you that light or harsh push.

Motivation is a big thing, having your mind set is a whole nother thing. Because, ya gotta admit it, that mind of yours wonders off to lala land sometimes....

But back on subject, I just wanted to write all this out, it's been pounding in my head since the beginning of this second book

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But back on subject, I just wanted to write all this out, it's been pounding in my head since the beginning of this second book. I really appreciate the readers, writers, or passerby'rs who just browse this lil' o story of mine. Whether it is scanning it, reading it as I write out the story and its' odd characters, or people who read, vote, and leave a lil' note on where something's wrong or a small thank you, or any of that.

Thank you. Thank you for being you and doing your thing.

Your the best ^v^

Your author, reader, voter and friend,

BiosDelta12 - aka - Esile' 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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