Chapter 10: Pulsating Life through Death

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Oriana glanced around her surroundings. Nothing seemed to look familiar, but grey. Everything was grey and dull in comparison to what she saw last, before the flames enveloped her very being. But there was something else that she was forgetting. Something important. Clenching her eyes shut, Oriana tried her hardest to remember what that important thing was, but her mind was blank. Leaving her and the grey dull life around her to wonder.

Just what was it that could have made her forget something so important. Once more, Oriana took a deep breath this time and calmed her blank mind. She felt something within her click as she did these steps. A faded memory flashed to quickly for her own good, making her clench her head in pain as more sped past her.

Too many.

"Stop!" She waved her arms away from her pounding head, fingers spread wide and palms faced open away from her face. A strong pulse emitted from her fingertips and crushed every dull life form around her.

What once was grey and lifeless, became a pitch black smudge. Cracks forming around the very ground the powerful pulse touched, and appeared as if it was shattered glass with spider like webs ebbing away from her form.

The strong pulsing power pounded against her still open-palms, making her hands ache in a different way than ever. She tried to clench them shut, but to no vain. It only ended up making her hands ache even more, and the pulsing grew stronger. She tried to stop the pulsing and aching within her hands by trying to rub the pain away. Nothing seemed to work, and soon Oriana was doubling over as a new pain overwhelmed her being.

At first it was just the over excessive pulsing and pounding, but know nothing. Just a light-headed feeling seemed to make her feel as if she was floating away from her very body. And the numbness seemed to overtake her hands then her arms, soon her whole body was numb and her head as light as a feather. Oriana closed her eyes from the new feelings and almost welcomed it with a smile.

That soon came to a stop when a very cold and drenched, bony hand crept its' way over her shoulder.

The feeling gave her chills suddenly, making the light numbness feeling a run. Now her body was nothing but pure cold chills. Her very breath could be seen and Oriana could feel her lungs freeze up and as almost as if a warm breeze came by, it swept the very death like grip cold away with ease.

Oriana took a welcoming breath air of warm crisp air and sighed in somewhat relief. Glancing around, Oriana saw no traces of any life forms of either the cold death or the warm breeze that seemed to save her life.

Touching her shoulder where death seemed to grip it not to long ago, Oriana shivered as she felt razed lines as if deaths' fingernails had gripped into her shoulder blade. Shaking the odd feeling away, Oriana made her mind. Her know wondering mind and not completely blank mind; think of what that mysterious warm breeze was. Her odd eyes seemed to trace every single nook and cranny of her surroundings, but nothing gave an answer to her fevered mind of the warm and gentle breeze.

It seemed as if Oriana's time here in the dull grey world was just full of questions and mysterious breezes.

The area's where her pulsing power had managed to hit earlier seemed to fade back into its' grey dull like form. The cracks that seemed as if her surroundings where made of glass seemed to stay though, but when Oriana's curious self out to touch one of the cracks, it dissipated through her fingertips and into the warm breeze.

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