Chapter 15: At fault, no regrets

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Somewhere in Sun-Diamond City, a very tall man walked through the brightened underground streets of high classed people. None with a care in the world, if they would die since they knew that the governments dogs were always watching out for them. They thought they were safe in this brightened city of wealth. They didn't even know that they were all just little mice being played with, they were but simple puppets.

The tall blonde man tilted his pale yellow-to-white gradient hood back somewhat so he could take a  glance around his surroundings

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The tall blonde man tilted his pale yellow-to-white gradient hood back somewhat so he could take a  glance around his surroundings. Nothing to important to take in, but he was suppose to meet with a new partner; a newbie apparently. Why would they join this shit hole of a government? The blonde man thought with a sick feeling deep within his gut.

Shifting his pale yellow-to-white gradient trench coat, he fixated his black and yellow finger-less gloves, the visual screen on the top of them gleaming as the  hit their screen. A time flashed before his eyes, and one of the dials sky-rocketed over its' limits. His goggles that allows him to see sound waves and pin-point where any Creature or Demons' whereabouts was flashing in red. He adjusted the dials; trying to pinpoint the vile thing.

He adjusted the ear piece to a high frequency so that he could contact with Miharu. The girl glowed before him, invisible to everyone else, except the blonde man. She screamed in a different language for a little bit, until the man calmed her down. The young blonde pixie twirled in impatience and pointed at his headphones.

She seemed to understand him a little more than others, knowing that his "music" always helped him focus on his missions

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She seemed to understand him a little more than others, knowing that his "music" always helped him focus on his missions. He nodded and placed them over his ears, his messy blonde hair swiveling from the placement of something else on top of his head, instead of the hoodie; the garment fell to his shoulders. The headphones screen seemed to booming with life as he placed them on.

"Let's get this over with shall we," The blonde man closed his eyes and clapped his hands together. Twice.  Then a tiny girls voice rumbled through-out his headphones, the voice drifting to his ears. 

 "Program Series: Sync Inquire, scanning user activation code. Scanning complete. Scanning user Sync usage. Scanning complete, at 100%."

"Program Series: Sync Inquire, complete to use," the pixie girls voice replied bubbly in his headset.

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