〖 prologue 〗

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Jeongwoo immediately fixed his table and things as he was excited to get off his work when he just got a text from his boyfriend, Junghwan

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Jeongwoo immediately fixed his table and things as he was excited to get off his work when he just got a text from his boyfriend, Junghwan.

"Woo! Are you already leaving?" his friend slash office co-worker, Doyoung asked him. The brown haired male smiled and nodded at him.

"Your smile. Is it because of Junghwan again?" The rabbit look-a-like male asked.

"The usual. It was always Junghwan who makes him smile like that" Junkyu added arranging piles of paper on his own table.

"You're right. But okay, take care. Please say hi to Junghwan for us" Doyoung lastly remarked before waving back to Jeongwoo as he ran out of his office building.

Junghwan texted him to go at their usual coffee shop hideout. His boyfriend looked serious so he thought that it was just another good news for him to tell.

Once he entered the coffee shop, he wandered his eyes around the coffee shop and found Junghwan on the edge of the cafe. He immediately walked towards the younger's direction.

Jeongwoo cleared his throat to gain his boyfriend's attention who busy on his phone and didn't even notice that Jeongwoo was already in front of him.

"Hi!" The older male greeted. Junghwan lifted up his head and met Jeongwoo's eyes.

Junghwan smiled a bit that made Jeongwoo's curiousity grow bigger and bigger. There were something unusual to him today.

"Are you alright?" Jeongwoo worriedly asked the younger, furrowing his brows.

"Y-yeah" Junghwan answered. It seems like his voice were going to broke out any minute that made him more worried of his boyfriend.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jeongwoo softly asked switching his seat to the younger's side.

"Jeongwoo" his heart race a bit more faster than the usual, but it wasn't because of the happiness Junghwan could give.

It was because of nervousness.

He noticed that he wasn't calling him with their endearment which wasn't usual for the younger.

"I'm sorry" that words made the younger burst out of tears as he pulled the older for a tight hug.

Jeongwoo was still clueless of why his boyfriend was actually crying. He wasn't really sure if it was his fault or maybe he just had some problem thinking about.

"W-what happened, Junghwan?" He curiously asked and still hugging his boyfriend.

Junghwan loosen up their hug and sincerely looked at the older's eyes.

"You know how much I love you right?" Jeongwoo couldn't understand why Junghwan was crying and it hurts him to see in this situation.

He laughed a bit and tried to brighten up the mood but it was just worthless seeing younger's tears keeping on falling from his eyes.

"Of course"

"But I don't think everything will workout between us" his heart suddenly felt heavy at what the younger said.

"And you also know how I love my family. I would do anything for them" Jeongwoo started to tear up at this point. Whatever it is, he doesn't want to hear anything from Junghwan. It'll just hurt the both of them.

"Junghwan, don't be like that. I can understand, we can still work together without separating right?" Jeongwoo begged. He really loves him.

"Jeongwoo, I am leaving tomorrow. My parents wanted me to study abroad and it'll be hard for the both of us. You'll just suffer because me"

"I can still understand, Junghwan"

"The time, distance, and communication will be a big burden to us, Woo. I don't want to do this but this is the only thing I know for the both of us" Junghwan had decided everything, without Jeongwoo knowing.

"Please don't be like this, Junghwan. I can wait for you"

"Jeongwoo, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry"

"But I am breaking up with you" Junghwan lastly said before standing from his seat, running away from Jeongwoo.

Bullshit. They're all bullshits. If Junghwan just wanted to broke up, he could've just tell him. He can understand.

Junghwan is the type of person to focus more on his career and family, he can't blame him for deciding to broke up with him if ever his alibi was true.

But he was also sure that Junghwan will never lie to him.

But what will happen to him?

The people inside the cafe started to turn their gazes to him but he doesn't care at all, all he want to do is to let out his sadness and frustration.

To be continued..

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