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"Hyung, are you alright?" Doyoung asked when he noticed that the older koala guy was spacing out, but unfortunately the korean still not gave him any response

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"Hyung, are you alright?" Doyoung asked when he noticed that the older koala guy was spacing out, but unfortunately the korean still not gave him any response.

"I-is he okay?" Jeongwoo asked Doyoung seeing Junkyu wasn't on his usual self.

"I don't know. He's been like that ever since he arrived" Doyoung cluelessly answered and scratched his nape.

"HYUNG!" Doyoung yelled that surprised the koala guy who almost fell from his swivel chair.

"What the heck, Kim Doyoung?! What was that for?" Junkyu asked with a hint of annoyance with his voice.

"For pete's sake, we had been calling you multiple times. What are you thinking about?" Doyoung defended himself.

"N-nothing" the rabbit look-a-like guy squinted his eyes when he saw the older blushed and avoided his gaze.

He already knew something was going on. They had been friends for almost a couple of years so he basically know Kim Junkyu.

"Even if I rip off your koala plushie?" Doyoung smirked as he tried to send threats to Junkyu just to make him admit what's really on his mind.

"Not my koala plushie!"

"Then what's with you today?"


"We had been friends for almost 6 fucking years, Junkyu hyung. Stop lying to us"

Junkyu finally heaved a deep sigh before leaning back against his swivel chair.

"Just keep it between the three of us please" the two raised their hands like they are really promising not to tell anyone.

"Well.." Junkyu was a bit shy remembering what really happened and started playing with his fingers.

He doesn't know where to start his story because to be frankly speaking, he was blushing everytime he thought about how the superior confessed his feelings towards him.

"Jihoon confessed to me"

The two was trying to process everything and which part should they be surprised. If Jihoon actually likes Junkyu or the fact that he let Junkyu call him with his name.

"Wait, you are saying that Park Jihoon, that old retard man confessed his feeling for you?" Doyoung asked.

"So in summary, he likes you?" Jeongwoo said this time.

Junkyu remained looking down as he nodded his head.

"What in the wattpad world is this?!" Doyoung asked in pure disbelief.

"What did he said? Didn't he always makes you suffer with his paperworks he gives you every time?"

"Yeah but he said he did that because he doesn't know how to get my attention" the two had their mouths in agape.

I mean they were really shocked about this news. They never know that Park Jihoon will like him eventually and was trying to get his attention.

"I will like him if he stop being an old retard man. I mean he's not that bad but I hate his attitude you know. You get me?" Doyoung honestly spoke.

Well Jihoon honestly is young and handsome. That typical guy that every girls dreams of, but his anger issues and attitude just sucks.

"So what will you gonna do about it?"

"That's what I had been thinking because I really don't know"

"How about you try it with him?" The kim duo both looked at him.

"I mean Doyoung said he's not bad at all, he just needs some improvements with his attitude. So why don't you try to change him? And also I know you'll eventually fall for him if he improves"

Junkyu thought about it for a second. It wasn't bad after all.

"You still don't know him, hyung. Maybe if you try to know him more, he's not just an old retard man likewise of everybody thought of him"

"Uhm, excuse me. I'm sorry for interrupting" the three turned their gazes when someone suddenly barged in their conversation.

"Yedam? What brings you here?" Jeongwoo asked the CEO's secretary.

"I just wanted to give this to Doyoung" Doyoung beamed a sweet smile at the secretary and walked closer towards him.

"What brings you here?" Junkyu and Jeongwoo just looked at each other like they already understand what is going on.

"Park Jisung from Department C wanted to give this to you" he said and handed him a cup of coffee.

"Are you sure that's from Jisung and not from you?" Doyoung teased the older male.

"Of course not, why would I even give you one. Just accept it and let me go" Yedam complained.

Doyoung took the coffee cup and intentionally touched the older's hand seeing what he will react.

He saw the flustered look on his face, his ears are starting to get red. Now, this is what Doyoung wanted to see.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that hehe"

The secretary just shot him a glare before he decided to walk away from him without any reply because of what the rabbit look-a-like guy did.

"What was that Kim Doyoung?!" Junkyu had a visible cringe reaction on his face.

"Do you like him?" Jeongwoo asked the older.

"Well yeah, but I think he's into girls. So I am trying my best to you know, use my charms on him"

"Bang Yedam was one of a hard to reach guy, I'm sure he can't be yours" Junkyu jokingly said.

"Whatever, I am still planning to confess on our team building on Friday"

"Well, goodluck on that brother. Don't come at us when he rejected you" Jeongwoo joked.

"Shut up, you can tease me all you want when you finally admit to yourself that you like the CEO"

"Why the topic suddenly shifted to me?"

"What's your plan about the CEO anyways" Junkyu asked.

"I don't know. I am still confused, he just won't stop giving me signals"

"Duh, a normal guy would do if he likes someone. And he clearly likes you when he keeps giving you signals" Doyoung sassily replied.

"I don't know. I don't want to get hurt again, hyung. Maybe I still need more time to think"

"But here's I wanted to say. I know you are still afraid to be hurt but I can rest assure you that Haruto is worth the risk. He'll definitely take care of you so you don't have to be so afraid to risk. That's love, it is completely normal to get hurt"

Junkyu confidently stated. Well, just by looking on how the CEO cared for his feelings and how he took care of Jeongwoo. He's just that guy for him.

"You seem so confident about that"

"I am. So don't be afraid to fall in love with him" Junkyu said as he winked.

Well, he hoped that he's really worth the risk..

To be continued..

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