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The japanese CEO placed the basket of fruits on the side table and decided to sat down in front of the korean male

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The japanese CEO placed the basket of fruits on the side table and decided to sat down in front of the korean male.

Awkward silence were lingering around the place but the japanese started to break the the silence off by asking a question.

"H-how's it going about Junghwan earlier?" he asked the latter not connecting his gaze to him.

He was unsure if he should ask him about it but he did anyways, there's no turning back.

"We talked about a lot of things" the korean male replied with a smile.

He sees that their conversation went well. But out of nowhere, a question suddenly pops off his mind. And this time he was more afraid to ask, he doesn't want to hear the answers too.

The japanese stared at the korean male like he was a precious thing to be kept. And seriously, this makes the latter uneasy knowing the CEO had a stare that could melt anyone if his eyes could actually melt somebody.

It came to Jeongwoo's boiling point when he was still not connecting his eyes to the CEO when he suddenly mumbled something.

"Stop staring"

"Jeongwoo" it surprise the younger at when the japanese suddenly called him with his unsual deep and serious voice.

"W-what?" Jeongwoo was mentally cursing himself for stuttering. It wasn't his usual self.

When he finally had the chance to look upon the japanese, he saw him playing with his fingers and looking so hesitant about something.

"D-do you think..." Even Jeongwoo became intrigued about what's on japanese was thinking.

"Do I think what?"

He looks like a kid whose ready to admit that he broke his mom's vase, playing with his fingers and jeongwoo would lie if he thinks that it wasn't the cutest thing he saw today.

"Do you think there's still a possibility that you and that jerk could get back together?" he asked

Jeongwoo snorted at what Haruto called his ex boyfriend. But after all, he was not a jerk. He understands why everything become this way and he's totally okay with it.

"I don't know, maybe"

Even he, himself, he doesn't know if it is really impossible but after some talking with the younger korean male, he just realized something about his feelings.

He did really loved So Junghwan so much before but for some reasons, when he saw the younger again, it wasn't the same spark and feeling like before.

He feels the more on love for friend and sibling.

The japanese CEO lowered his head down hearing the korean's answer, so there was still a big chance that they'll get back together again.

Thinking about that thought really bothers him, he knows he should wish about it but he doesn't want that to happen for some unknown reasons.

"Why did you call me? What's your problem this time?" Yedam asked as soon as he arrived at the japanese's house after he was called for something 'urgent' the japanese said.

He was expecting that the japanese would get mad at him for complaining but to his surprise, he heard him sighed and placed down the glass of whiskey he had been drinking ever since he came back from the hospital.

"What's wrong?" Yedam worriedly asked this time.

Haruto looks serious at this point that his secretary could feel worried at him. He wasn't like this before, he knows that something was bothering him.

"Haruto, what's wrong" he sat beside the man trying his best to comfort him in any ways as possible.

"I don't know myself anymore" the japanese suddenly blurted out.


Haruto finally opened up himself and told him from his thoughts and what happened at the hospital, even what happened to Junghwan and Jeongwoo.

Yedam listened, he listened to all of his thoughts and feelings. He knew it, the japanese was just a coward to admit to himself what he really feels.

"Ruto, I'll ask you some question and promise me to answer truthfully" the japanese nodded.

"Do you ever had this thought of hugging Jeongwoo? Or do other any physical contact with Park Jeongwoo?"

He does, he does have those thoughts almost every night.

Thinking how it was more better if he had Jeongwoo beside him, to cuddle with him every night im his bed. That would feel so warm.


"How about you feel something around him. That feeling when you still want to talk to him more or you feel that happy to see him"

The japanese became more hesitant about answering because he knows to himself that he does feel that towards the korean male but didn't paid attention to any of these signs.


"How about you feel furious seeing him with someone else?"

This time, he couldn't say no. He felt that when his sister entered the scene. He doesn't want Jeongwoo to hang out with Airi knowing that she wanted to date him.

And don't forget that feeling when he just wanted to erase Junghwan's existence when he saw him at the hospital. Well, it doesn't show but he was so damn furious at him.

No, if it was more on loathe. He loathes the younger for what he did to Jeongwoo.

At this point, how could he even say no?

He lowered down his head in embarrassment before nodding his head.

It was really embarrassing him especially that it was his first time admitting his feelings for the korean male but it was still his fault for getting too attached to Jeongwoo.

"Are you even aware that you're in love with Park Jeongwoo?

to be continued..


(I was about to update this at exactly 12 am but I totally forgot about it. There's a lot going on here but yeah. Please enjoy the updates today! I'll probably update again later as a gift. Triple update maybe and Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the holidays and don't forget to eat well loves^^)

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