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"Jeongwoo, Mr

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"Jeongwoo, Mr. Watanabe wants you to go on his office right now" Jihoon shouted from the entrance of their department.

Jeongwoo let out stressed sigh. What does he needs this time?

"Ayo! I think the CEO likes you" Doyoung teased his annoyed friend. Jeongwoo glared at him before hitting his head with a clipboard.

"What the heck, Park Jeongwoo! That hurts!" Doyoung complained while rubbing his forehead.

"Deserved. Don't talk shit please. You'll go to hell" Jeongwoo lastly said before leaving his apartment and leaving his friend speechless.

"That ugly creature!" Doyoung protested still rubbing his forehead from the pain of Jeongwoo hitting him with a clipboard.

Jeongwoo decided to take the stairs to purposely go to the CEO's office late to annoy him.

"Why does it always have to be me? There's Doyoung and Junkyu hyung, they can suffer alone" Jeongwoo joked to himself. Still, he was right, why always him?

When he was in front of the CEO's office. He was still trying to compose himself and also organized his patience because he knows how much it annoys him everytime he was talking to him.

He was about to knock on the door when it suddenly opened revealing some masculine man that he assumed to be around his age or maybe a year older.

"Hello, Mr. Park" the man greeted him and smirked afterwards which Jeongwoo found scary.

"Good morning, Sir" he greeted back.

"You can go in. The CEO is already waiting for you. Good luck!" The last words made him both scared and anxious.

Jeongwoo just gave him a smile and nodded at him

"What's wrong with him?" He asked himself looking back to the weird young man earlier as he shook his head in disbelief.

He rolled the door knob and step in to the CEO's office. Luckily, the chair was turned away against him. Heart pounding, hands trembling, he immediately walked in front of the CEO's table before finally greeting him.

"Good morning, Mr. Watanabe. What is that I can help you?" Jeongwoo politely greeted.

He became more uneasy when no one replied to him. What's wrong with him? Jeongwoo asked again but this.time, he was pertaining to Haruto.

"Sir?" It took him a couple of second when the CEO finally turned to him giving him a creepy but hot smile.

"Oh, you're here. You were just in time. Please take a seat" Jeongwoo gulped when he can hear his deep ass voice almost echoed inside the room.

The CEO placed both of his arms on his desk and rested his chin on his left palm staring deeply at the korean male in front of him.

Jeongwoo gulped again because it got him feeling concious. His stares was just making him question himself if there is something wrong with his face or maybe there was something on him.

"What can I help you, Sir?" Jeongwoo asked for the second time around.

Haruto flashed a smirk as he partially adjusted down his necktie while leaning back to his swivel chair.

Okay, that was... Hot, Jeongwoo thought but chose to shake it off..it wasn't the right time and really? He just thought of his CEO as hot? Ha, no.

"You see, I really need your help with something"

"Ask away, Sir" Haruto liked this side of him. No complaints just Jeongwoo being obedient as he is.

Maybe he should ask Jeongwoo to be his boyfriend while they were in work. Hahahahaha, kidding.

"Well, my secretary just can't go with me on the meeting with Mr. Kang in 3 days. Maybe you could go with me" Jeongwoo was still processing everything when the CEO talked again.

"I can excuse you to Jihoon"


"Mr. Park, I really need your help. You see, I can just stand Mr. Kang. I can't go alone" well, he also knows Mr. Kang and even him just can't stand him also.

"What can I get if I say yes?" Jeongwoo unknowingly asked.

The CEO again smirked and stood up from his seat. Jeongwoo just can't help but to get uneasy again because he was hearing the CEO's footsteps getting closer to him.

Everything went fast and what more surprised him is that Haruto was already standing in front of him looking both hot and handsome at the same time.

"I can pay you double if you say yes" He was currently dazed, no words can,really escape his mouth.

What happened to the unbothered, Park Jeongwoo?

"If you don't want that.." Jeongwoo's eyes grew wide when the CEO bended forward closer to his face, reaching for his chin with a playful smirk on his face.

"I can give you myself if you want to" he seductively said with his deep voice. Jeongwoo was slowly losing his self with that.

The Devil tried hard but this man right here in front of Jeongwoo was trying harder.

When the CEO figured out that Jeongwoo was speechless with his playfulness, he immediately laughed and got away from the korean male.

"Kidding. You can ask me anything" the CEO joked.

Well, the korean thanked all the gods that it was all a joke. This is why he hated the CEO. He just hated his playful side. He just doesn't like it for some reasons although he was cool.

"But if you really wanted to—" before the CEO could say anything, Jeongwoo aggressively stood from his seat.

"I'll think about it, Sir. Thank you for the opportunity. Please excuse me, I just need to use the restroom" Jeongwoo excused himself.

He just can't take everything anymore.

Haruto followed the latter until he went out of his office.

"Well, I am not joking tho. I can offer myself if he wants to" he playfully said to himself and eventually giggled when he remember how red Jeongwoo's face were when he said that.

But he just hoped that he says yes for the sake of the company.

to be continued..

(I updated this just to remind y'all that this story is still active don't worry. I was just trying to finish "Kitty" then I'll continuously update this. I hope y'all understand. If you're interested in my Jaesahi ff, you can just visit my profile. Have a good day tomorrow and stay safe besties!❤)

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