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Haruto carried him in bridal style and made him sit to their table earlier

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Haruto carried him in bridal style and made him sit to their table earlier.

"Hello? Are you still awake?" He tried communicating with him but it was no use because he was just recieving groans from him.

The japanese tried looking around finding his friends but the people were slowly decreasing and he couldn't find them anywhere.

He looked back to the drunk brown-haired guy and can't help but to fall for his visuals.

"What a beautiful guy" he mumbled at himself before gaining the confidence to finally caress his face.

His delicate and soft cheeks were really addicting. What seriously is happening to him? It was just his first time to see this guy but he had given him a big impact.

But sadly he needs to find his friends, he can't just let him lay and sleep here, there might be some bad guy who'll take advantage of him.

The japanese sat beside him and tried waiting for his friends to come back to their table. His gaze looked down to the wasted guy, he doesn't even know his name.

"What should I do with you?" He whispered to himself and frustratingly ruffled his hair. He placed his chin on top of his hand as he stare at the younger and admire his flawless face.

Is it even possible to feel this way on the first time? He wasn't the person who typically falls in love with someone easily but this guy right here was different from all of them.

"Sir, excuse me but we are already closing" a staff informed him.

"Oh is that so? Okay, we'll leave now" Haruto mindlessly replied. He didn't even thought about this guy's friends. Besides, it seems like they already had gone.

It was the best to keep this guy with him than leave him behind.

He again carried the younger in bridal style and proceeded to the parking lot where his car is. When he finally saw his car parked not so far from the exit of the bar, he carefully opened his door of the passenger seat and placed Jeongwoo beside the driver's seat so that it was more easier for him to look over him.

Fast forward to the japanese CEO's house, he made the korean guy ride his back to enter his house. Haruto was taking extra cautious especially when he climb up the stairs to his room.

He dropped the younger's body on the soft fluffy bed of his before hovering on top of him to check up on him. He was actually soaked in sweat. He was about to walk towards his closet when his phone rang.

Before the korean male could woke up because of that, he immediately answered the phone and saw Yedam was calling him.

"Yow, wazzup" Haruto greeted his friend. He activated the call to speaker and walked towards his closet to find some clothes for him to wear.

"Are you home?" Yedam asked him with a hint of annoyance in his voice.


"You son of a a— why didn't you tell me?! Don't you know that I have been waiting here in the parking lot for approximately 30 minutes?!" He just laughed, he doesn't know why he finds it funny everytime Yedam would get mad at him.

"I'm sorry, I had some urgent errants to take care... A very important one" He then turned to the man who was sleeping soundfully at his bed.

"What errands? You should've ordered me to do it"

"You ask too many questions. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, brother!" He lastly yelled and hang up the phone

Before taking care of Jeongwoo, he took off his coat, hanging it up to a rack beside his bed and loosen up his necktie.

He finally walked closer to the younger and barely gulped from thinking what he'll do at him. He was praying to all above that he could control himself.

The japanese started unbuttoning his polo shirt as he felt his cheeks starting to heat up from the skin he was starting to see inside Jeongwoo's polo shirt.

He changed the korean male's both polo and slacks into comfy clothes successfully.

Haruto arranged his clothes and took the wallet he found from the younger's pants. He curiously opened the wallet hoping he could find something useful information about this guy and thankfully he found his ID right just he opened it.

"Park... Jeongwoo" he pronounced his name then immediately smile.

"What a lovely name"

He was about to leave the korean all by himself to finally take his rest when he felt someone stopped him from leaving, holding his right wrist.

"Junghwanie, don't leave me please" the younger mumbled and somehow his voice were in the verge of crying.

He looked down to his hands before catching the latter's hands and leaning down to him to whisper something to his ear.

"Darling, I am not Junghwan" he whispered right into his ear leaving sensational feeling to the currently dreaming guy causing for Jeongwoo to shiver.

"My name is Haruto and sure, I'll stay here with you" he softly mumbled before brushing his hair in gentle way.

"Sleep tight, Jeongwoo"

To be continued..

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