-',✎ special chapter 2 • ddm

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"Sure he was busy with the love of his life again. I guess I'll be catching all his responsibilities and stress today" Yedam told himself seeing no one on the CEO's office.

For some unknown reasons, Yedam decided to supervise every departments since it was his job when the CEO failed to go on work at times.

He was in the Department A when he saw Junghwan fixing all his things. Jihoon was back on his job again and Junghwan needs to go to Jeju to help his mother with her cafe.

"Hey, are you leaving?" Yedam asked. The younger man smiled and nodded at him.

"Yeah, anyways have you seen Jeongwoo around? I was just about to say goodbye to him"

So, how can he explain this.

"No, I haven't noticed that he didn't go to work anyways"

Junghwan frowned upon hearing his younger friend.

"Even Doyoung wasn't here. I hope they are okay" Yedam immediately looked up to the younger.

"Doyoung didn't come to work?" he asked.

"No, I haven't seen him earlier. Junkyu hyung was alone on his department since Jeongwoo wasn't here also"

"Oh is that so? Anyways, goodluck on your journey, brother. Call me when you need something okay?"

"Thank you, Yedam hyung. You know your girlfriend will be so lucky to have you someday" Junghwan joked the older.

"Silly, be careful on your way"

Girlfriend? It wasn't on his plan anyways. Haruto and the company still needs him although the younger would often push him away but he knows the japanese can't handle everything when he wasn't around.

On the other hand, why did Doyoung skipped work? He didn't even heard a single word from him.

But why did he care anyways. It's more better than to have him here, he'll just bug him.

This dumbass won't just admit it but it feels so quiet and empty without Doyoung around.

He was wandering around Jihoon's department where Doyoung and Jeongwoo was working and he saw Junkyu working alone.

"It must've so lonely to be alone" Yedam told himself while looking at Junkyu.

Well, he'll admit that it was also lonely without his bestfriend around, he really knows how it feels.

"Yedam! Good morning!" He immediately waved his hand seeing Junkyu greet him with a smile.

"Hey hyung! How's work?" Yedam asked him and walked towards the older's cubicle.

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