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(Left - Haruto | Right - Jeongwoo)

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(Left - Haruto | Right - Jeongwoo)

The korean male was busy drying his hair with a towel when he stepped out his bathroom after a refreshing bath and sat on his bed.

"This is what I call life" he exhaled and closed his eyes to feel the softness of the mattress beneath his body.

Honestly, this is one of the most refreshing feeling for him. That you'll got to take your rest after a stressful and long day of work.

He checked his social media accounts before deciding to sleep. No one messaged him today so he decided to kill the time by resting.

He was about to turn off his phone when his phone rang again so he immediately took a peak to the screen.


Hey, are you still up?
09:55 pm

Jeongwoo creased his forehead at the message he received, and why does he care if he's still up or not anyways?

Yes sir, do you need
09:56 pm

Yes, you
09:56 pm

Jeongwoo widened his eyes in surprise when the CEO replied. What the hell is he thinking?

Pardon me, sir?
09:58 pm

No, I mean I need
to talk to you
09:59 pm

"Geez, he scared me for a second" Jeongwoo said in relief before typing some message back to the CEO.

Oh, I'm listening, sir.
You can tell me everything
09:59 pm

No, I mean I'm reading
09:59 pm

10:00 pm

The 'hehe' part made Haruto bursted into laughter. The japanese found him cute because of it.

10:00 pm

About the meeting on
Monday, are you ready?
10:00 pm

Jeongwoo let out a deep sigh thinking that he'll see Mr. Kang again but it doesn't matter. As long as the benefits were still in, he'll resist everything.

Yes sir
10:02 pm

I'll pick you up on 6
to be exact. You can sleep
while we're on the trip
10:03 pm

The korean male slightly smiled at his phone seeing how kind his new boss. He's still thankful that he doesn't have any problem to the new CEO or so he thought.

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