Letter from Unknown

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~Next day morning~

Kasturi gets ready for her work.
Kasturi's parents went for kasi as pilgrimage.

Kasturi: Oh god, my mom went to kasi now who will prepare me food?🥺

Anya: Why don't you cook?😳

Kasturi: No, I don't know how to cook? Always my mom only cooks.

Anya: 😒 What if ma gets ill? That time who will cook?

Kasturi: Ma only. She only will cook that time also. She never let me in kitchen.

Anya: But a girl should learn how to cook na🙄. It may help her somewhere.

Kasturi blinks🥺

Anya: Ok, now don't worry. I will make you luchis(poori). But in leave time you should learn to cook. Ok?

Kasturi: Ok😁. I will learn.

Anya makes luchis and kurma. Kasturi eats them.

Kasturi: Wow! These luchis are very tasty.

Anya: Ahaan. Then eat some more.

Kasturi: No no😄 or else I will sleep in court instead of doing works.

Anya and Kasturi laughs.
Kasturi goes to court.

~In Court~

Today in court there is an important case. Anirudh is going to handle it. So he is reading papers regarding that case.

Judge: If Anirudh and opposition lawyer is ready then we shall start this case soon.

Anirudh: Yes your honour. I am ready.

Opposite lawyer: Yes your honour.

Judge: OK. This case is for divorce of these two.

Judge shows two people. Man standing in opposition's witness box. Woman is standing in Anirudh side witness box. Anirudh is going to speak for that woman.

Judge: As per the papers about this case, I have come to know that this woman is not respecting her husband. So her husband needs divorce. Now what are you saying about it?

Opposite lawyer: Your honour, what is there to say here. This woman disrespected a man. Disrespecting man itself a big crime in this she disrespected her husband. So for sure you have to grant divorce to them. Let that woman gets punished by a title abandoned woman. This will teach other women, not to disrespect men.

That woman cries...

Anirudh: No your honour. How can this be a punishment😡. We should hear for what she disrespected him. No woman will make her husband feel shamed in front of others. If she does then it means there is mistake on man. So we should hear to this woman one time.

Judge: Yes Anirudh. Lets hear from her.

Opposite lawyer: But your honour...

Judge: Do what I said.

Anirudh: 🙂 Tell us. Why your husband gave case on you? Why he needs divorce? Have you did any mistake? Tell us whatever it is.

Woman: No barrister babu. I haven't done any mistakes. I am earning myself for my children betterment by making dolls. From the first day of my earning, my husband started to tortured me saying not to do any job.

Anirudh: Why what about his job?

Woman: He earns. But.. But.. He drinks with that money 😣. He gives only 10 rupees to us. It is not enough to run home. I have said him many times not to drink but he continued. So only I started to earn to make my family.

Opposite lawyer: Your honour, this is fully wrong. It is useless to hear this kind of stories. When a man is earning then woman should stay in home. But this woman started to earn, so people started to speak bad about my ward. He is being shamed of her. Give her punishment. She is against our society. She disrespected her husband.

Anirudh: Your honour, you have lisened what she said. See her face. Do you think she is lying? No your honour. If she lies then she would have accepted divorce. But till now she is standing here just to get his husband back. She wants to build her family. But this man being irresponsible spends his half of the salary to drink alcohol. Your honour, is there any rules that says women should not go to work, women should not earn? Women are also equal to men. Opposite lawyer says that his ward, this woman's husband is being shamed of her. But I am just asking only one thing to him. Will this woman not feel shame when her husband drinks? Will she not feel guilty in before society of being wife to irresponsible husband? She feels shamed than that man does😤.

That man thinks deeply. Judge also thinks deeply.

Anirudh: Your hounour, I am waiting for your good judgement. Breaking marriages is not a solution for a problem. Broken marriage will lead both the man and woman to be in a pain. If not now, then in future these two will be pain. That time they can't reverse the time.

He thinks of Bondita and His divorce😣.

Judge: Yes Anirudh. After hearing this case, after witnessing these two, this court denies their divorce and orders them to stay together and he should allow her to earn. And also this court warns man that he should give his whole salary to his wife, if not then he will be punished.

Judge keeps seal in that case paper. Anirudh wins the case...

Everyone in court claps for Anirudh.

Court dismisses....

Kasturi: Barrister babu! Barrister babu! Wait.

Anirudh: Kasturi🧐, what?

Kasturi: How did you argued very spontaneously? Really I am stunned. Your points were very clear. You made the opposition and judge to be dumb.

Anirudh: That all because of dedication towards work. Sometimes, somethings happened in our life will also give us experience🥲. You will also learn when you are sincere and dedicated. When we are in right path, we make others to be in right path 😊

Kasturi: 😊 You are great inspiration. Not only for me, to every educated women.

He smiles and leaves.

Kasturi started to walk towards her house. Meanwhile a stranger running towards her put a letter in Kasturi's bag and ran.

Kasturi: Hey you...😠

She opens that letter. She gets shocked 😦.

What is in that letter? Why she is shocked? What will happen next?

To know these stay tuned❤️

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