Can Bondita save Anirudh?

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Bondita searches all over Krishna nagar.

Bondita: Durga ma, pls show me a way to find my Sakha Babu!😣

She asks to everyone in the village. Everyone says they don't know.

She cries...😣😣😭

Man: How he looks?🧐

Bondita: He is a wise man. His eyes are black in colour. We can see sparkle of big dream in that! He is kind hearted person. His cheeks will be like roshogulle! He is an barrister also!😣

Man: Enough! Enough! I didn't saw anyone like this.🙄

Bondita: Ok, thank you.

She searches everywhere.

Bondita: Durga ma pls help your Bondita to find Sakha babu.🤕

She sees Anirudh's watch down.

Bondita: This is sakha babu's watch. How did it came here? 😨

She walks in that way. When she was running she mistakenly falls in a dark deep pit which was for animals.🥺

Bondita: Aaah! What is this? Durga ma, I fell in a pit. Now who will save Sakha Babu? 😣🤕

She cries.😣😣

Bondita: Help! Anyone there? Help!😨

No one responded! She cries loudly.😣

Bondita: I am always bad omen to him. As everyone said I ruined his young age. I gave him more struggles. I made him bow down. I ruined everything in his life. Today also because of me only he is in danger. Always he used to risk his life to save me. But today I can't even find him. If he didn't get aided within 7 hours then the poison may lead him to...

She cries loudly...😨😣😭

Door tak hai ek udaasi... Plays

~In Haveli~

Trilochan thinks: Why I am feeling something weird? Everything is like a sign for me. Durga ma lamp is diminishing. Anirudh is not here.😨

He searches for Bondita.

Trilochan: Durga ma! Anya is also not here. 😨

Kasturi: Zamindar ji, where is Anya?😰

Trilochan: I should ask you this question. Where is Anya?😰

Kasturi: What? I am also searching for them only.😰

Trilochan: They are not in our of Haveli also!😬

Kasturi thinks: Oh god, Is she in any danger? She already told me whatever can happen in Tulsipur. Now I should alert Ehshan.😬

Kasturi: Zamindar ji, I will be back.

She goes to Krishna nagar post office and calls Ehshan.

Ehshan: Hello!

Kasturi: Ehshan, you should come to Krishna nagar immediately. Bondita and Barrister babu are missing.😬

Ehshan: What? Search properly. They will be there only Orelse they may went somewhere.😬

Kasturi: No Ehshan. Bondita didn't informed me anything. I am afraid. Please come quick.😬

Ehshan: Yes, I am coming.😒

Kasturi cuts the call.

She fears and goes to search Bondita.

She sees Bondita's Churidar bead down. She takes it.

Kasturi: These are Bondita's churidar's beads. Means Bondita is somewhere here only. 😨

She searches all over Krishna nagar.

Ehshan reaches there.

Ehshan: Kasturi, Did you find Bondita?😨

Kasturi: No, but I am sure Bondita is in this way.🙄

Ehshan: Then don't waste time. She may be in problem. Come lets search.

They goes to search.

Ehshan: Anya! Anya! Where are you?

Kasturi also shouts the same.

They are near the pit.

Bondita is trying her hard to get outside the pit.

Kasturi: Anya! Anya! Where are you? Uh oh Ehshan, where she will be. I hope they both should be safe. Durga ma, save them pls.🥺

Bondita hears Ehshan's voice.

Bondita: Durga ma, its Ehshan's voice. You sent him to save me na? 🥺

She smiles and cries.🥺🥲

Bondita: Ehshan! I am here. Look inside the pit. Ehshan!🤕

Kasturi: Its Bondita's voice.😨

They both went near the pit.

Bondita sees them.

Ehshan: Bondita! 😬

Ehshan and Kasturi saves her from pit.

Kasturi: Bondita, are you okay? How did you came here?😬

Bondita: Kasturi, someone have mixed poison in Sakha Babu's food and kidnapped him. I don't know where he is. It will be very danger if we fail to save him.😭

Ehshan and Kasturi shocked.

Ehshan: Bondi, we three will go one- one side. It will be easy to find Anirudh.😬

Bondita: We should be very fast.

Kasturi says yes and they three goes in search of Anirudh.

Bondita: Where will I found him? Where are you Sakha Babu? 🥺

Bondita is in confusion. She closes her eyes and thinks of flashback.

~Flash back~

Anirudh was teaching her.

Anirudh: Bondita, What will you do of someone kidnaps you or kidnaps me? What will be your first action?🧐

Bondita: I will cry pati babu!🙄

Anirudh: No, Bondita. In those situations we should not cry or we should not be panicked. We should stay calm and think what to do.😊

Bondita: Why?😒

Anirudh: Because in panick state our mind will not work. So we cannot find a way to escape from kidnapper. So you should make your mind calm and have to look for a way.☺️

Bondita: Hn, pati babu. I understand.🤗

Anirudh: Now say. What will you do if you get kidnapped?

Bondita: You will save me.😝

Anirudh: Bondita!!😒

Bondita: No, no. I will stay calm and think for a way.☺️

Anirudh: Sabash Bondita!🤗

~Flash back ends~

Bondita: First I have to be calm. Then only I can find a way.😑

She breathes in and out.

Bondita walks ahead and she looks around.

She sees Anirudh's purse down.

Bondita: Sakha Babu's purse? 😨

She took it and looked around. She finds an Ice factory.

Bondita: His purse is near an ice factory. What it means? Shall I go inside and search for him? But how can Sakha babu go to an ice factory?😰

She thinks but decided to walk ahead!

What will happen next? Will Bondita save Anirudh?

To know these things just stay tuned❤️!

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