Anirudh's wrong decision

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~It's morning~

Shawn came to Salim's house. Anirudh welcomed him. But Bondita stares at him.

Shawn: Bondita, today you will have your test. I will ask you questions from yesterday's portion. 😏

Bondita nods yes. She holds Anirudh's hands tightly.

Shawn: Ok, then come to study room.🙂

He went to study room. Bondita asks Anirudh to come with her. He accepts.

~In study room~

Bondita steps inside but Shawn stopped her.

Shawn: This is study room. Why you need your husband here? 🤨

Bondita: He will stay here because he too have some works. Any problem for you?🤨

Anirudh: Bondita, don't speak like this to him. He is your teacher.😒

Bondita stares at Shawn.

Shawn: Ok, then your wish. Sit for test.😤

Bondita sits down. Anirudh sits in opposite direction, he is looking at some documents which Salim gave him.

Shawn starts to ask her questions. Bondita answered well. Anirudh smiled at her.

Shawn: Ok, now tell me the laws of London constitution. 😏

Bondita looks at Anirudh as she forgot the answer.

Shawn: Tell the answer. 🤨

Bondita thinks for answer by looking at Anirudh. But Anirudh isn't unaware of it as he is busy in looking documents.

Shawn taps the table. Bondita is frightened. Anirudh turns back and looked at them.

Shawn: I am asking you questions here but you are sighting at your husband. If you want to look at him then leave the study room. 😡

Bondita: Sir, actually I am thinking of answers. 😟

Shawn: By looking at him what answers will you get? 🤨

Bondita blinks.

Shawn: Anirudh, your wife's attention is on you only. She is not concentrating in studies. In yesterday's class she was keep on asking about you, today she is looking at you. 😡😡

Anirudh: Bondita, what is this? Why you are doing like this? 😟

Bondita worries.

Anirudh: Concentrate in your studies Bondita.😟

Bondita: Sakha Babu, I forgot the answer that's why I was thinking about it. 😟

Shawn: Oh? Didn't you looked at your husband? 🤨

Bondita keeps silent.

Anirudh: Speak up, Bondita.🙄

Bondita: Yeah I looked at you. But believe me, my mind is in studies only. 😣

Shawn: Look, she itself accepted it. 😏

Anirudh took his documents and went out of the room.

Bondita: Sakha Babu... 😟

She worries.

Shawn: Now atleast, tell the answer. 😤

Bondita worryingly recites the answers.

Shawn: Now where did you get the answers? After he went out only your mind started to focus here, right? 🤨

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