A woman's hidden avatar!

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Shawn compelled Bondita to drink the alcohol mixed juice. He also poured it in her mouth forcibly.

Bondita starts to fall unconscious.

On other side Trilochan makes a call to Anirudh. But it failed.

Trilochan: Why call is not reaching?😰

Somnath: Kaka, let me check.😟

He checked the wires but all were right.

Somnath: I don't know where the problem is. Wire is joined correctly.😟

Bihari: Malik, what date is today?🙄

Trilochan tells the date.

Bihari: Oh Durga ma, today our due date for paying phone bill expires. That's why ring is not reaching. 😟

Trilochan: Oh god! What you were doing these many days? Can't you pay it before the due date?😤

Bihari: Malik, actually I forgot.😬

Trilochan: Are you forgetting your food?😤

Bihari scratches his head.

Somnath: Kaka, no use in scolding him. He is busy in other works. Don't worry, now itself I will go and pay the bill.😟

Trilochan: I don't know what's happening with Anirudh and my Bahu. Durga ma, help them if they are in trouble.😟

Sampoorna: Don't think too much Kaka. They will be fine. They both are together.🙂

Trilochan: What if they are seperated? What if both are in different places?😟

Sampoorna: Why you are speaking like this? How can they get seperated? 🙄

Trilochan: I don't know, but my heart beat is faster. I think they are in problem. 😣

Sampoorna worries.

~In London~

Shawn: Harry, everything is ready. She fell unconscious. You go to her room now. 😏

Harry smiled cunningly.

Harry: To night she will be mine. In morning everyone will laugh at her. Whole London will laugh at her. Her Husband will bow down before the court due to insult. 😏

Shawn and Harry laughed.

~In room~

Bondita: What's happening with me? Why my vision is blurred? 😰

She is unstable. She tries to walk but falls down.

~In Salim's house~

Anirudh is applying medicine for his wrist pain.

Salim: Better go and see Bondita once.🙄

Anirudh: Why?😐

Salim: Sometimes God will insists us about our loved ones in danger by sending pain to us. I think that's why your hands are paining. 😐

Anirudh: Oh, shut up! This is nonsense.😒

Salim: Believe me, there are something which is beyond science.🙄

Anirudh didn't listened him. He continues to apply medicines for his pain.

~In Shawn's house~

Harry climbs the stairs, to Bondita's room. He is also unstable because of alcohol.

Harry: Bondita! Bondita! My dear, I am coming for you. 😏

Bondita hears his voice and fears. Her vision is blurred.

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