Bondita in danger!

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Tupur sets fire on stove and moved outside. Bondita didn't sensed anything as she is busy in grinding wheat.

Anirudh feels something fishy.

Anirudh: Why I am feeling like this? Is any danger approaching?😐

He stepped out the room and walked towards Kitchen.

When Bondita bends up because back pain her fleets got flames. She is still unaware and starts to grind again.

Baumik also senses something bad and comes out to check Tupur.

The fire slowly burnt her saree, then only she felt something and turned back to see.

She screams.

Bondita: Sakha Babu!!! 😰😰

Anirudh and Baumik: Bondita??? 😳

Anirudh rushed to Kitchen and shocked to see Bondita in fire. Baumik walked hurriedly to the kitchen.

Fire slowly covered her, in fear she removed her saree and thrown it away.

Anirudh enters inside and covers her with his coat.

Anirudh: Bondita!😨

He hugs her. Bondita shivers in fear.

Baumik also arrived there.

Baumik: Bondita! My bachi, what happened to you? 😰

Bondita: I don't know, suddenly my saree got flames.😟

Baumik thinks of Tupur...

Baumik: Tupur!!!😡😡

Tupur heard his voice and fears.

Everyone of the Haveli gathered there.

Trilochan: Bahu! What happened? Durga ma, how did your saree got fire? 😰

Baumik: Hey Tupur! Where are you?😡

Tupur came there and stands like as if she doesn't know anything.

Tupur: Bondita?? What happened? 🙃

Baumik: Aiii!😤 I asked you to grind the wheat but you left Bondita here? How did stove got fire? 🤨

Tupur: Kaka, how do I know? Why you are doubting on me? 🙃

Baumik: I am not doubting, just asking.😡

Thaku ma: Baumik, leave it. It may be an accident. See, the lamp lying down. It might have created the fire.😐

Trilochan: Hn, leave it. Bahu, go dress up and come to temple. It is not right to get fire in night time. 😟

Anirudh takes Bondita to the room.

All dispersed.

Baumik stares at Tupur. Tupur didn't listened him and walked out.

~In Anidita's room~

Anirudh: Why you was careless, Bondita? Didn't you sensed the fire?😟

Bondita: Sakha Babu, I was thinking about that man and was grinding the wheats. So i didn't sensed it. 😣

Anirudh: What would have happened, If I was delayed? Thank God! 😟

Bondita: Thank you! 🙏

Anirudh: Why you are thanking me? Thank God!😒

Bondita: Bagwan tu hai mera!( You are my god).☺️

Anirudh looks at her.

Anirudh: Theek hain, I will be in temple, you get ready and come soon. 😊

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