Chapter 1- Prankster

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Fridays aren't just any day of the week for me, all I do is fuck around with people I hate, slither in their houses in my snake form and scare the living hell out of them while they're showering, sleeping or honestly doing anything.

Some of them just shriek and throw flip flops at me which I dodge smoothly, others climb on counters, shelves and anything that they can hang on far from me. 

No one suspected me, although my appearance is very similar to my reptile one, and also, no one knew about my abilities, which makes it way more fun.

My recent target is the Stark Tower, I didn't really hate anyone of them, but I'll do anything to create chaos, besides, there hasn't been any problems in at least three months, which was impressive really, especially when they have that Loki living with them. Never saw him, I was out of New York when he tried to 'take over the world'. 

Like honestly, who would be so idiotic to try and rule a whole planet?

Anyways, I desperately want to see their faces in such fright... just imagine it: Tony Stark being a pussy and climbing on the table, his fingers tapping rapidly on his phone to call Happy, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson running for their lives, Thor Odinson trying to capture me to 'admire' my leathery silk scales and Peter Parker shooting webs out of his wrists thinking he can catch me under one.

It would be so hilarious I could transform back into my human form and just roll on the ground with laughter- Okay I should probably not do that...

My plan is to slither unnoticed in when someone from the Avengers does, when I see that most of them have gathered, I sprint out of my hiding place and start hissing, flattening my head, darkening my pupils to show the color of my eyes and straightening my spine, arching my back to show my front belly.

Let's just hope I won't be noticed.

Let's just hope I won't be noticed

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Idk what is this lmao

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