Chapter 29- Deep Shit

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"Loki?...Loki?!" I shout into my ear piece worriedly. I look out the window to search for him, supposedly where I left him. Then... I see them... The Avengers are surrounding him. Shit... I can't face them... they'll know I ran away and confront me about it.

Then, out of the blue, Tony lifts his face piece and shouts while turning around in the same spots,"Wherever you are... Y/N... Loki's messing with your mind. Don't listen to him-"

"She's not here you foolish-" Loki interrupted sourly.

"Then where is she? Huh? We were looking for her all across the country, but then we cross paths with a footage... It's you and her robbing a damn bank in Switzerland." Tony yells at him. I feel sorry for him, but mad for talking to Loki like that,"Y/N... please come out."

I peek at Loki's hands over his head, they're curled into fists and that's my signal not to budge from my hiding place, then he lifts up slightly his pointer finger, signalling me to follow where they're going to take him.

"It's for nothing Tony, she's not here." Clint said.

"Where could she be then?" Tony mumbled audibly enough for me to hear.

"I don't know, but I know that when we do find her..."Cap stepped forward,"She'll pay."

Welp...I am definitely in deep shit with the Avengers that's for sure.

When they grab Loki and drag him in the helicopter but they don't enter it, only some guards, I make my move. 

The journey I made following them was hard, but fun as hell. I went from jumping from roof to roof to hopping on a car top, when I noticed the car just kept moving slower just as I noticed a 80 old man was driving it, rolling my eyes, I hopped on an expensive-looking motor bike, flipping it's owner off it and caught up with the helicopter that's holding my partner hostage. After a short ride, I notice the helicopter was starting to levitating itself to land at the top of the Stark Tower, so I speed up, stand on the seat and spring myself up, reaching out for the rail as my fingers successfully clutch the metal pole. 

"Where are you, darling?" Loki's raspy voice booms in my brain.

Right underneath you, honey.

I sense him smirking at my response.

**Murder scene up next**

The vehicle slowly lowers itself onto the platform made for it as I hop off with a tumble before t touched the ground, unnoticed. I crouch near one of the sides of it as it shuts down and the blades stop functioning. The side door slides open, quickly, I grab two of my daggers and plant them into one of the three guards' broad shoulders as he yells in pain. The other two start align their guns at me, snatching mine from my hips I shoot them first, both in the head. Their limp bodies fall out the helicopter as I turned my head to Loki, clearly staring at me. I raise my right arm and pull the trigger on the pilot (that I almost forgot existed) and wink at Loki. He winks at me back. 

**Murder scene ends here**

"How'd I do?" I say jokingly as I stride towards him to untie him from the shackles they locked him up in.

"Meh," he says, eyes gleaming with mischief,"Took your sweet time."

Giggling to his reply while still struggling to unlock his cuffs. I frown as I turn savage mode again, pulling out one of my guns again, I shoot the locks, Loki, now very trusting in me, barely even flinches. It's impressive honestly, how we grew so trusting in each other in a matter of a couple of weeks. 

He stands up, shrugging out of whatever's left of the metal he was stuck in. Then looks at me, and without warning he grabs my head and presses his lips on mine, catching me off guard but I still kiss him back, he pulls away after a few seconds and breathes out,"Thank you for freeing me, and sorry for the sudden movement... I couldn't help myself." I smirk at him, accepting his apology, he gestured at the open door,"Ladies first? Oh and before you get out..." Loki takes out a green and black handkerchief, folds it into a long triangle and ties it around my head, covering half of my face. Then, he conjures me a hood matching my suit over my head, covering my hair. "There." he says. I look at the reflection of myself on a window, I look like a deadly assassin... 

I love it.

I love it

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Heeyyy. So I was wondering: how are you finding the story? Confusing? Too violent? Fine? Good? Idk I just wanna know, I haven't been seeing some of you in the comments. If you drop a suggestion or anything you want, it would really help xxx

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