Chapter 8- Get. Out.

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"So... Y/N, right? " Rogers said as he sat in the chair opposite me, a table separating us. I nodded, "Great. So, can you tell me why you tried to break in, or well... You did break in. "

Two of my fingers on each hand had a strip of fabric and a wire leading to a machine, probably a lie detector? "I broke in because I... Uhh... "

"No pressure, Y/N, we're alone, take a look around, no cameras, no windows, just four walls. " He insisted.

I glanced at the machine... Shit... If I lie he will know, "I just wanted to have a little fun, okay?! " I yelled, admitting.

He exhaled sharply and clicked his tongue, "Fun... We will have you in the cell for about four to five weeks, depends on your behaviour mostly. "

"Okay, woah, woah, woah, " I held out my cuffed hands to stop him, "Number one: FOUR TO FIVE WEEKS?! "

"Trust me, it's better than jail. "

"Okay, okay, number two, 'behaviour'?! I'm not a little kid. "

"I feel like there's a three coming-"

"And lastly... Can I call my mum to make up an excuse? "

"No need, she called you eighteen times already, we made up an excuse. "

I stared at him, unable to believe he made up a lie, I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed in defeat, "Tony did. " He said as he gestured for me to follow him.


He lead me to a glass jar looking cell and opened the door for me. I sighed and stepped in, turning around to face the closing glass door.

Steve saluted me and left the room.

I plopped down on the floor, resting my head on the glass and closing my eyes.

"We meet again, " Said a husky voice.

I open my eyes and look at Loki, "NOO PLEAASSEE, not YOUUU, " I cried, not wanting his presence, "STEVEEE?! TONY?! ANYONE?! " I screamed again.

"They are not going to hear you. " He said in his snarly voice.

"Get out. "

"You can't make me while you're in there," He said as he circled around the cell, "I myself was in your position once,"

"I don't care about your past, Loki. " I annoyingly said.

"Ah, you said my name for once. " I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you come? "

"To grant you company. "

"Your company bothers me. Get out. " I snarled back.

He sighed, "Well, I was on my way to offer you a deal... " I looked up at him with scrunched eyebrows, "What if... I break you out...? "

"Break me out?! Are you mad?! " I yelled at him.

"Possibly! "

"If you break me out, I'll never have freedom again! I'll always be on the run like someone's chasing me, BECAUSE THEY WILL BE. "

He silenced himself and sat down crossed legged opposite of me while I curled up, pulling my legs to my chest, and putting my chin on my knees.

After a quiet few seconds Loki spoke up, "What if I try to change their minds? "

"Why are you trying to help me, it's weird. "

"I need a partner who understands what real fun is... "

I took a glance at him, "How are you changing their minds exactly? "

He pursed his lips, got up, shrugged and turned to the door.

"Wha- how, Loki? "

He shrugged again.

"Loki? Loki! LOKI!? "

A pic i found in the depths of tik tokToo cute tho-I mean look at vis and wanda at the back 🥺🥺🥺

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A pic i found in the depths of tik tok
Too cute tho-
I mean look at vis and wanda at the back 🥺🥺🥺

Btw i just wanna say thank you all for your support i have been receiving these past few days. I very much appreciate it💜🥰

Honestly made almost tears in my eyes 🥰🥰

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