Chapter 10- Location

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My head was throbbing and my eyes felt heavy. I rubbed my them.

"You made the right choice, Y/N..." Said Loki's familiar voice as I looked at him.

"I still haven't decided on that yet. " He was on a couch... A rather familiar one.

"Oh, you will see. "

I glanced around, my house?

"Is this... my home?! "

"Well... Yes... But technically, no. Take a look at the window, would you, darling?"

I scrunched my eyebrows at the name he'd given me and stood up.

I landed my sight outside the window to an unfamiliar view. Sprinting to it, I looked back at Loki, who was scanning my face for emotions.

"I thought maybe... if we had remained there... we might get caught, so I teleported your house to a different setting. "

"And where are we now? " I said, turning back to the sunny view.

"I believe Mortals are calling it... 'England'"

I laughed lightly, "Nice pick. "

I KNOW THIS IS A VERY SHORT ONE but to make it up to you

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I KNOW THIS IS A VERY SHORT ONE but to make it up to you.......... Im uploading a bonus one 😍

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