Chapter 7- Trouble

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"Wait, wait, wait... You went out of the Tower? " Yelled a muffled voice that I couldn't recognize.

"Uhh no, no, he didn't, I went out... Alone." Said another voice, clearly stuttering and unable to tell a lie.

"You're really bad at lying, Thor. " How many different voices are there in this room?!

My eyes felt heavy as I tried to open them, licking my lips from thirst.


"Guys- Guys... Look, she's waking up. "

She? Who's she? Oh-wait... Well shit, I forgot I got caught...

I slowly opened my eyes to a white ceiling and a face, Dr Banner.

Heavy footsteps approached to the bed I was laing on as I lift my head up slightly to find Stark's eyes scanning my face and exhaling.

"F. R. I. D. A. Y, search identity. " He demanded the robot.

"Identity search, succeeded, this is Y/N Y/L/N, age 20, birthplace Midtown East Manhattan, currently living Midtown Manhattan, parents-"

"Woah, woah, woah, okay, that's enough of my information, please? " I spit out after being muted out of confusion.

"Oh I thought you were mute and just thought it would be easier to do that, " Stark said, sarcastically, "Can you tell us what happened? "

"What happened? " I said, visibly confused.

"Really? " He said without patience, "What happened to you? How did you end up here? "

"Well I was at my parents' house and two Gods showed up and took me in a room... And then the greasy one and I started fighting cause he annoyed the living Hell out of me and I just wanted to go home. " I explained in a rush as the group's eyes landed on both Loki and Thor.

"Well- You're forgetting a part, mortal, before that, remember when you tried to  break in and I captured you? And then you escaped? " Loki spat out in defense.

The group's eyes fell on me again.

"Well at least I'm not the one who broke into a house, may I add, of two poor elders WHILE , and I quote, 'on house-arrest'" I protested back.

"I HAD A GOOD REASON TO. " He raised his voice, trying to scare me.

"UH-HUH AND WHAT WAS THAT 'GOOD' REASON? " I snapped back, inching forward on the bed.



The room fell quiet as the group gaped at us, shocked at our frustration.

The silence broke as a cough sounded.

"Okay, here's what's gonna happen, " Started Steve, trying to break the tension, "Loki, you will be given a second chance, but if you set foot out of here, without permission, you will be back in that cell," He turned back to me, "As for you, we need to ask you a couple questions, and probably lock you up for a few weeks, " I scowled at him as he turned again to the group, "But, this situation will always stay in this Tower, no one will ever speak about this encounter out of this Tower... unless I really have to. "

The group nodded automatically and in sync.

"Ms Y/N, I now need to follow me. " He said again to me.

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ELzone1, for you, since you've asked so nicely

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