Chapter 11- [bonus] A Dream?

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"But why did you want me again? " I asked, deeply concerned.

"Ah, well, " He started, " Ever since the Avengers caught me... They killed my army. And so, I now need a partner. "

"What if I don't want to? "

He chuckled, " Darling, I don't really think you have a choice here" He said, a husky voice making me uncomfortable, " And even if you did... I won't let you. "

Won't let me?! Who does he think he is?! My mum?!

I frowned at his selfish words. "I don't like people telling me what to do, " I snarled at him.

"I am no 'people'... Dear, I am a God, you are 'people'" Loki snapped back.

I'm done! I cannot take his self absorbed attitude. I got up and started strotting to the door, keeping my sight on it the whole time.

As soon as I got to it, and tried to open it, it didn't budge. I tugged on the knob harder then before... But nothing happened.

"So... I was thinking that we must get to know eachother, since we are now 'partners in crime'? " Loki's voice said, changing the subject.

I exhaled sharply in anger and turned to face the God.

"Sit." He gestured at the seat opposite him.

I hesitated, but still sat down.

"I will start; I am Loki Laufyson, God of Mischief, born in Jotunheim, raised in Asgard by Odin and Frigga with my brother Thor. You? "

I exhaled again, this time in annoyance. "Y/N Y/L/N, born in America, raised and live-"

"I'm going to stop you right there... No, you don't live there any more. " He butted in.

"Wha- Oh yeah? Then where do I live? " I snapped.

He sighed, "Well... How am I putting this? You and I, we don't 'live' somewhere, we do not have home. "

Tears swelled up in my eyes... No home? No family, friends? "What...? Why didn't you tell me this beforehand?! " Panic flooded through me, leading to a panic attack.

Cold sweat dripped from my forehead, trailing down until I wiped it with the back of my hand, "You still would have not a choice. " He sounded perfectly calm, which filled me with anger and furiousness.

"Why are you taking everything from me?! "

His face darkened, his mouth a thin line. My jaw clenched in rage as I charged at him and slapped him hard in the face.

"SAY SOMETHING! " I yelled in his face, which was still in an angle which I slapped it in.

"You jackass. " I snarled at him.

Loki grabbed my shoulders and in a snap, pushed me back on the seat, keeping a firm hand on my throat, the other resting on the back of the seat.

"You don't speak to me like that, you Mortal, " He yelled.

"Then don't steal everything from me like that, you idiot. " I yelled back, struggling to breath.

He released my throat, and turned back.

"You like mischief, you like causing it, you fight fiercely, and have a special ability... we are perfect together, Y/N, " He said as he turned back to face me, sounding desperate, "Y/N... You said you broke in the Tower because it was fun, you cannot say you don't like being bad, can you? "

I stayed silent...

"Can you, Y/N? " He asked once again

"No, I can't, I really can't deny that, but I'd rather have a life, and being free, not being chased around every time I step foot out of the door, than causing mischief and never be able to be human again. And besides... I have kept undercover for so long, I really don't want to fuck that up..."

He looked defeated as he swallowed. Loki straightened himself up and looked down.

With a blink of an eye, everything came to normal, Loki wasn't there, the view outside the window looked familiar as well. Was it a dream? But I was in the same position...

Anatha madafakin wallpapppeerrrrrr aaaaaaa

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Anatha madafakin wallpapppeerrrrrr aaaaaaa

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