Chapter 1: the meeting

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It was a cold dark winter night as a winter blanket covered everything in its sight somewhere in a park. There was a girl with long white hair, tan skin, and icy blue eyes. She wore a big snow-white school sweater with sleeves long enough that they covered her hands and baggy pants and boots.

She had her head hung low as she sat back onto the snow-covered bench, many thoughts running through her head but the only thought that remained was of her voice. She sat there day after days until one night someone sat next to her

"Hello," Said a voice making the girl look up and saw a boy in a silver mask wearing a blue suit

"Nice weather we're having right?" the girl said nothing as she was shocked to see someone talking to her

"My name is Herald and you are?"


"...not much of a talker huh , that's fine I can wait on that" He said as he leaned back into the bench, over the next hour Herald talk about a lot of things, sometimes it seemed like she wasn't listening when really she was, he spoke about himself until it was time for him to go

"Well it's running late, I'll see you later OK," Herald said as he gave her a smile and walked off.

The girl sadly sighs. She hangs her head down again. Closing her eyes. Falling asleep.

It felt like hours that she was asleep. It felt peaceful until she had a jump scare and jolted awake breathing heavily. "Are you OK ?" Said a voice as she looked up and saw the boy from yesterday.

"You seem like you were having a nightmare, I was gonna wake you up but... So what's new?" He asked as he sat down across from her.

Yet again no words left the girl's mouth. It was like that for days. He would always come by to talk to her every night, there were days that he didn't come but when he did he would tell her that he got held up by friends.

She didn't understand why he kept coming by so much. but then it all changed on that one snowy night

"Aw it's getting late, see you later," He said as he turns to leave but was stopped as he heard a little voice call out to him

"Don't ...." Herald turn to the girl and saw her stand up

"Don't .....go......please" Herald was surprised he heard her speak, for all those days he's been talking with her she finally speaks

"So you can talk" The girl nodded and slowly walked over to Herald and grabbed on to his cape shyly looking away

"Don't leave me...." Herald looked at her for a minute and smiled as he took her by the hand making her look up to

"I wouldn't leave you if you want you can come with me"


"Yeah," He said as he pulled out a Trumpet and blew into it making a portal appear. The girl couldn't believe what she was seeing. he held out his hand to her

"Well let's go" The girl looked away a bit frightened

"I don't know ...what if you....get hurt ....."

"Get hurt, by who?"

"....I'm not allowed to say," she said sadly

"Well, whatever is troubling you, I will protect you" The girl looked up to him shocked.

She looked down at his hand and slowly reached out to it, putting her small hand in his.

He gently took it and led her into the portal as they crossed over to the other side they were in a building.

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