Chapter 9: Legito appears

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"Tsume! You have to fight this! I know you're strong enough to do it!" Herald was trying to reach out to Tsume.

Despite him and Raven were not faring well as long as Slade had control over Tsume's body and powers. The brother's Thunder and Lightning were not present during this battle because there were wars happening at their home. Wars that they were needed for.It was not mentioned who their home was preparing against. But it was a good reason for Thunder and Lightning to not be present when the Titans needed them the most.

"Hey, Herald. Even with Thunder and Lightning, how much of a chance would we stand against Slade and his new bag of tricks?" Asked Raven

"Zero, with Tsume as his Ace she could freeze them without even trying!"

Tsume ran at Herald and Raven. Raven fired at her making her dodge her attacks as she shot ice blasts at her and froze the ground when trying to keep herald from sneaking up behind her. She didn't want to fight them but what choice did she have when Slade was controlling her she was much quicker than raven could lay a finger on as she spun rapidly around creating a blizzard blowing Raven away

"Get away from me herald! I can stop myself!" Tsume tried to hold herself back but formed ice starts and tossed it at him.

Herald dodge the attack, but it wasn't stopping her from attacking him and Raven, who got back up to stop her. Raven was able to hit Tsume when she got distracted by Herald when he Blew his trumpet. Allowing Raven to attack.

"Raven! Don't hurt her! It's not her fault!" He told her but Raven wasn't worried too much about hurting Tsume

"It's her or us Herald! And you know who I'm choosing!"

Raven said. Tsume got back up and made an ice hammer in her hand attack once again. She went after Raven first. This time it seemed like she was attacking of her own free will. Or was she? Raven crashed to the ground after being punched in the stomach. After Tsume froze Raven to the ground, she turn to herald

"Tsume stop! You can fight this! I know you can fight this!"

"I'm sorry, Herald! I should have told you the truth! I should have told you who was...I was scared! I didn't want the light I found to just vanish from me again. I'M SORRY!"

Tsume's scream caused a Huge blizzard to appear forming into a tornado that surrounded her.It spread out and formed into a tornado that surrounded her. Then it spread wide around everyone else. Including Herald's team. She couldn't fight back the control anymore she let it happen. Spikes of Ice shot up from the ground. It caused Titans, from Kid Flash to Jinx, to move out of the way. Despite not being able to see through this winter storm. And then all of a sudden, the storm began to shrink. It shrunk to a point that now...Everything was back into view. Each member of the Titans had a shocked expression when they saw a boy, shrouded with this cosmic aura, holding Tsume by her hand. This action calmed her down. And when she was calmed down, so was the storm. Then he let go. Then he eyed the Titans. Then he eyed Terra. His eyes bore into Terra's soul. And then all of a sudden, Terra was tossed through a wall. The Titans,Tsume, Slade himself, Everyone watched as this happened to Terra. The boy turned around and eyed Slade. His eyes focused on the controls used to control Tsume. Instantly he snatched them away from Slade and crushed them. Slade's one eye widened before he turned serious.

Then, he laughed through his mask. He said, "So...You finally showed yourself."

Legito said nothing.

"If you must be wondering who it was that destroyed your hometown, I had something to do with that. Had I known it was that simple, I would have drawn you out years ago-"

A simple thrust to Slade's stomach was enough to bring this monster to his knees. Then Legito walked away from him. Legito approached Terra, who pulled herself from the rubble.


Before Terra could reply, she and Legito vanished from Slade's Base. Herald would deal with who that was later. For now his focus was on Tsume. When he saw she was no longer under Slade's control, he approached her and asked her, "Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry," She said. Tsume was trying to catch her breath.

Herald saw that Tsume used along of her power and After all that she's still apologizing

"I'm not mad at you"

"You should be!" She shouted

"You should hate me! You should throw me away, tell me you never want to see me again...KILL ME!"

She shouted while looking him in his eyes. Herald, couldn't do that to her. She was already broken as it is. He didn't want her to be broken anymore. 

 "I wouldn't do any of that to you Tsume. You'll make the people that care about you sad" Herald said but the ice girl shook her head with tears in her eyes

"No one cares for me. My family...sold me away. They threw me away. Like the trash that I am"

Herald took her by her shoulders and made her look at him

"You're not trash. Stay with us. You can start a new tsume"

Tsume didn't understand why she was giving this chance with the Titans, she did want her freedom, and if they were the ones that could give it to her she would take it. But...She also feared that her existence could bring a big problem to them. That was the last thing she wanted. Slade attacked Tsume after he staggering to his feet. Herald pushed Tsume out of the way and fought Slade back. Had it been herald on his own? Slade would have killed him. But Herald had a team. That team was the Teen Titans. And though they were not many, they were here to stay.

Kid Flash beat Slade down while Jinx sent shockwaves through Slade's base.

"Come on Herald! Use your trumpet to get us outta here!" She yelled while Raven broke free from the Ice that kept her bound.

Herald nodded. With little time, Herald summoned his trumpet and opened a portal. He went over to Tsume while the other titans escaped. Herald took Tsume by her hand and led her back inside Titan's Tower. As for Slade? He would be among the many who was "Buried Alive"

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