Chapter 6: the Hybrid

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What was there to say about the Oviyans? The Oviyans were beings that aged one year every 20 years after the age of 18. Until then, their age progression was normal. Until 18. From there they age a year every 20 years. Leo/ Legito, was one of these Oviyans. Half Oviyan. The other half? Nobody knew. But the mixtures of these genetics from the mystery race and the Oviyan race, caused Leo's powers to be tampered. Leo at this time, was 14 years old. Amber Orange Skin Tone.Blond Shaggy locks. Emerald green eyes. His height was 4'9.He was built differently. He was fast.He was strong. But he was still learning about his powers.About who he was. Leo didn't know that he was an Oviyan.Or that he was an alien.

He was adopted by a superhuman family.The Easons. Maliah Eason, the oldest daughter, found Leo when he was a baby. From there, Leo was adopted and raised as one of the Eason's own children.Maliah finally had someone to play with. Maliah finally had someone to race with. Combat with. Be a big sister too. Maliah loved Leo as her own self. Maliah was sparring with Leo one day. When she got a telepathic message from her parents. She was ordered by them to hide Leo. The reason?

People were after him.Who was after him? Terra.And following Terra?Slade's robots.His henchmen. Clayface. Breakdown.Slob.Thousands of miles outside of Jump City did the Easons live. In a small town surrounded by mountains did the Easons live. Leo saw Maliah's expression change after she paused her "Playtime" With Leo. "Maliah? What's wrong?"

"Everything's fine Leo."

"It's not. I know from your expressions on your face. What's going on?" Leo asked Maliah

".....Leo. There are people looking for you. I dunno why. But they are. Mom and dad are going to do what they can to protect you. Should they die-I would have to protect you. And if it cost me my life-"

"What? No. No! We got to help them! I'm strong! Just like you! I can help!"

"Or you can get kidnapped and used for dark purposes." Maliah spoke with a stern yet kind tone. "Leo, I lived longer than you have. I have seen things. So have my parents. The world is a very dark place. You never knew that. Because you were protected and sheltered from this dark and broken world."

"But mother...And father...They need our help Maliah! We got to help them! Please! They're the only family we've ever known! Please!"

Maliah sighed. Then Maliah smiled.Maliah said, "Alright. Fine. Let's go."Leo stood beside Maliah. Leo trusted Maliah.And that trust was Maliah's weapon. She karate chopped Leo on the back of the neck. Leo lost consciousness.Leo was caught by Maliah before falling to the ground.

'I'm sorry Leo. But I have to do this to protect you. You may not understand this. But someday you will. I wish this day never came. But it has. I'm going to hide you now. Where you can never be found. If I make it, I hope you will be able to forgive me for this action that I took to protect you.' "I'm going to miss you little brother. I hope to make it so I can see your face again."

Maliah arrived.She saw her home and her town was destroyed. People and cops were killed.The smell of their corpses reeking the air. Maliah was aware that her parents were dead. And she knew that she would be likewise. Nevertheless, she was going to make her last stand against Terra. Against what was left of the army given to her by Slade.All by herself.

"You must be Maliah." Terra sat on top of a movie theater sign. "I heard about you. From your files. You used to be a Titan. Until you bailed. I wonder why was that?"

Maliah bailed as a Titan when she was 14 years old. The age Leo was at this time. Maliah was 28 years old now. She had a scar on her right eye, Her skin was fair.She appeared feminine.But had strength that rivaled Superman. She wore Combat Clothes. Her hair was mid-length and curly.Hair color? Silver. Eye Color?Emerald jade. Maliah took her stance and said, "You must be Terra. I heard about you. You're a lot younger than I thought you'd be. How old are you? 21?"

"I would take that as an insult. But no. My age shouldn't matter to you. You won't live long enough to care about it anyway. But it can be avoided if you tell us where he is. Where. Is. Leo?"

"I'm not telling you."

"So unwise. I guess We'll just have to break you."

"Do what you came here to do. You won't get anything from me. You can't kill me. You can never destroy what I am. What I represent. And even if you do, someone stronger than me will take my place."

Terra smirked and cocked a brow. "Oh?"

"That's right. Enjoy that smirk while you can. Because I will make sure that no death today will go unaccounted for. Not one!" Maliah attacked Terra the moment she landed from the Theater sign.

"So...What I wanted wasn't there?" Slade asked Terra.

"No. But there was someone there. She put up a fight. But like her parents, she died like a dog begging for her life." Terra was battered and bruised.

Nevertheless that was nowhere near what was done to Maliah.

"Did you level it to the earth's core like I requested?"

Terra nods, "Of course."

"Excellent. Now that leaves us with Tsume. What to do with her I wonder?"

"I still cannot fathom the idea of you needing her abilities. All she can do is freeze things. That's not new. Nor is it amazing."

"On the contrary my apprentice. If Tsume's powers are at my disposal as they were before, then nothing will stand in our way."

"You make it sound like I have nothing to offer."

"You do, my dear Terra. You do. But as I said many times, Tsume's gifts...Just keep on giving."

"Do you want me to retrieve her for you Slade?"

"No Terra. Instead I want you to stay here and keep an eye on the base."

"You're going after her aren't you?"

"Yes. And No. But when I come back, I will be bringing back a gift. A gift that thought she had free will to do what pleased her."

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