Chapter 5: his alone

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Underground was where Slade kept his base. He watched the Titans. He watched Tsume as she was watching the Titans. Tsume thought she could outrun Slade? She would soon find out that she had nowhere to run.No matter where she went.No matter where she would go.Her scent alone would lead Slade to her.

"Honestly, why do we bother with her?" Terra was another of Slade's disciples.

Apprentice would be a better word.

"You know why Terra. She has a gift that can aid me in conquering this world and making it my frosty snow globe." Said Slade.

"You have me." She replied. "You don't need her."

"I will not keep repeating myself to you, my apprentice. Tsume has gifts that are better than yours. It's a tragedy that you would be jealous of her. Surely you must want to be her. Surely you must want to have her powers. But all you can do is throw rocks. And throw slaps of mud."

That got under Terra's skin.

"If you wish to prove me wrong, there's a city that holds something of great value. Find it and bring it to me. If it's not there, level it to the earth's core. As for me, I am going to use a little chess piece that the Wannabe "Titans" would not see coming. And it is not Tsume...She will be left alone for me to deal with. Me. And Me alone..."

When the titans finished with their missions, Tsume was happy they got the job done and welcomed them when they got back.

Raven herself didn't think much of the ice girl other than she kept to herself and didn't talk to the members. She didn't find it weird for her to keep her distance but just thought that she wasn't used to being on a team yet, Raven also since there was also something going on with the ice girl that she just couldn't point out, she could sense fear from within her but didn't know what secrets she held deep within, raven couldn't see much and believed something bad could have happened to this girl. Later on, Raven watched as everyone stayed up to watch a movie or play some games. They did something to celebrate their victory. As for the tsume? She went to her room that Herald had made for her. Raven went to Herald and wanted to have a private conversation with him about Tsume.

She explained what she could about the ice Maiden hats for Herald's; he didn't see a problem in this at all. He wanted Raven to be nice to her as the rest of the team. Because he knew that she's been through a lot.

"There's something about her that I just don't trust, I can sense it but I just don't know what it is"

"You just want your words' intuition to get the better of you. she's not that dangerous, I told you before she barely even talked to me when I met her. and we scanned her multiple times on the Scanner before making any contact with her. it was a group vote"

"If you notice half of our team doesn't even trust her"

"That's because they don't know her yet, and she's distancing herself, but it will take some time for her to break out of that shell of hers and then she will be one of us"

"You're not seriously thinking of making her part of the Teen Titans are you?"

"Why not do you disagree with my decision?"

Raven didn't say anything and she didn't want to start a fight with any of the members. Even though she felt she was right

"All I'm asking is for you and the others to give this girl a chance. If she does anything out of the ordinary you can report back to me"

Without another word Raven nodded. Herald went back to the sofa to watch the movie with the rest of his friends. That night while everyone was sleeping, tsume was having a hard time sleeping. She looked out her window and got out of bed leaving her room, wanting to step outside and feel the cold. Just because there no more snow doesn't mean she couldn't make her own. Once outside of the tower she closed her eyes glowing in a wehite light as it started snowing. It took a while for the snow to cover the ground but she didn't mind how long it took. In fact she enjoyed being out in the snow. She watched the snowfall for what seemed like a long time until someone stood by her

"I see you can't stay out of the cold" Tsume turned to see Herald. He smiled at her, making her shyly look away and move away from him. "I get it. Your not use to me yet...But I'm glad your trying and not running from me"

"I'm sorry," Said Tsume.

Herald smiled again and then looked up at the snow "It is beautiful when it snows" He said, making her look to him

"You have such a gift" Said Herald.

Tsume didn't like that word. It was what 'HE' would say when he wanted her to do things for him and he would speak to her with kindness. And yet if she were to disobey 'Him', in any way, she will get punished.

Tsume wrapped her arms around herself and shivered from the memories. Herald saw this and reached out to her to see if she was ok, only for her to jump away while growling as ice spikes came from the ground.

He wasn't scared, just surprised by her actions. Tsume's eyes bore such hatred. Yet there was also fear in them. Before Herald could calm her down, Raven appeared and told him to get back. This snapped Tsume out of her state. She apologized while cowering in fear. Herald told Raven to stand down as the tsume was crouched down, shielding herself from what she thought she was going to be hit.

But instead she was given a hug,"There's no need to be afraid. I'm here. I got you. Nobody is going to hurt you." Herald whispered. Tsume shivered more in his embrace. Breaking down in the process. Herald pondered what could this girl have been going through to cause her such pain. All she could think of was the word she used To describe her abuser "HE"        

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