Chapter 3: training

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During the next day, Tsume was put in the training room so they could see what she could do.

She wasn't part of the team yet but they wanted to know if she could fight if needed.

Herald put Jinx in charge of training her with hand-to-hand combat. Big mistake seeing that Jinx was beating up Tsume like she was a doll.

She wasn't doing so well and it was making Jinx frustrated that she won't fight back. "Are you even trying?"

"I'm sorry," She said as she got back up

"Look, it's easy all you have to do is keep your eye on the target and fight back," she said as Tsume did what she told but then she just stood there

"You suck"

"I'm sorry, " she said backing up and walked off, Tsume went to her room she was giving as she climbed into her bed and hid under the covers, later there was a knock on the door as she heard heralds voice

"Tsume, are you in there?"


"Really then where are you ?" He asked as he opens the door and walked in and saw she was under the covers

"Are you giving up? " He asked as he sat on the side of her bed

"I just can't do it, I was told not to use my powers "

"It's your first time, everyone has a bad day"

"You won't like me if I do fight"

"What makes you say that?"


"Come on, let me help you with your training"

"Really? But what if I hurt you?"

"You won't, " Tsume smiled as they returned back to the training room.

Jinx and Tsume stood on opposite sides of the field as everyone came to watch

"Are you sure you won't hate me if I use my powers?" Tsume asked looking to Herald

"Yes I am and jinx go easy on her"

"Fine, it's not like she can do much," Jinx said as she watched Tsume stood there

"You know if your gonna fight me it would be ..." she said but stop as Tsume clapped her hands together making a white-ball form in her hand then it changed into a staff

"This is new," Jinx said before attacking first.

Tsume started to hum a certain music tapping her feet to the beat she began to spin and twirl the staff above her head, then she tapped the staff onto the ground then kicked it into the air.

She did a quick spin catching it then pointed the staff at Jinx with a slight smirk making Jinx shocked then she dashed at Jinx making her dodge when she tried to hit her.

Jinx tried to attack back but saw she disappeared in a cloud of snow. her voice echoed around as she looked around for her but didn't see her

"Reach the stars I can make you fly!" She sang but then Jinx turned as she was knocked back sending her flying to the ground.

"Call my name and I will be there, SOS I'll always be there" she sang as Jinx felt the cold breeze blow past her as she was again knocked off her feet Again.

She couldn't locate where she was she can only hear her voice echoing through the room

"Stop hiding and fight me!" She screamed as pink, lightning-like energy blasts/waves fired from her hands but nothing happened but her until she appeared right in front of her making her gas and she threw a punch at Jinx.

But Jinx was able to stop it as she flipped her over but she was able to retaliate by firing at Tsume.

But Tsume held out her hand making an ice wall go up as the pink energy hit the ice wall.

Tsume jumped from behind the wall with the staff in hand as she swung it at jinx before jinx could block it she was knocked to her feet as the staff came down on the ground making a crater.

As she gasped when she saw it was now a big ice hammer

"You're just full of surprises aren't you? well so am I" Jinx said as her eyes glow a bright pink making the ground crumble before Tsume as she fell into the hole with a scream

"I won, " Jinx said as everyone sigh then they saw Tsume pull herself out of the hole making everyone cheer

"Sorry but I'm not that easy to get rid of," Tsume said as her eyes glowed bright white and ice swirled around making ice Golems appear before her.

Jinx eyes widen but then stood her ground

"Ha, do you think some ice beast can stop me, did you forget who I am!" she said as used her powers but nothing happened

"Aw crud," Tsume was jumped on by the Golems but wasn't hurt, just cold.

As she was getting warmed up in the Infirmary, Herald was surprised that she could fight like that as the others praised her. 

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