Chapter 10: a new friend

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After Slade's defeat, Jinx and Kid Flash started to reconstruct the inside of Titan's tower. While they were doing that, Raven wanted to talk with Herald about two things.

Tsume And the boy that came out of nowhere. Literally.

"Okay, let's talk about Tsume first. Then the boy."

Raven nods. "After everything Tsume has done, you want her to become a Titan?"

"She has nowhere to go, Rave. If you were in her shoes I would treat you no different." Said Herald.

"Slade will come after her again, you know that. She is stuck to him then he is to her , like a Diamond in the rough, What makes you think that he won't come back looking for her?"

"Your right he will come back looking for her but she has friends now ...and someone to count on so that won't happen"

He said looking to tsume who was standing away from the other titans as she watched them clean up.

"I can't make you trust her raven but i know you know the right the to do if someone needed your help as she dose ours"

He said as raven sigh and told him he will give her a chance but if she steps out of line she will be kicked out herald nodded and understood that.

"Now, on to the other problem, who was that kid?"Raven questioned Herald.

"Never saw him before. But from the looks of him, he ain't from this world. I don't know what Slade did to him."

"Whatever he did, the kid holds a grudge against Terra. I can sense it all the way from here. He's torturing her. Like she tortured someone he held dear. She's dead." Said Raven. "Now he's a crying mess."

"You know where he is?"

"Yeah. He's not far."

"Do you want to take him in?"

"You took Tsume in. I guess he can get a free pass too. Unless you want to say otherwise."

Herald said, "No. He could be a great help to us and Tsume."

"Somehow I doubt that. Especially when he'll be dealing with his own trauma." With that, Raven made a portal to the location where Leo was. Raven saw the craters that were massive enough to put a giant in. There she found Terra.

Dead.Then Raven saw the boy. He was crying-no-sobbing hysterically.Raven proceeded with caution as she approached this boy.

"Who are you?" That made Raven Freeze.

Leo turned around. The cosmic aura and silver hair and eyes were gone.He was shorter than he originally was. His hair was blond and his eyes were emerald green again.

"Um. My name is Raven. Uh...Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It matters to me."

"It shouldn't."

"But it does. Slade did something to you did he? What did Salde do to you?" Raven cautiously sat beside Leo.

"Who's Slade? All I remember is that my hometown was destroyed. My friends and my family were dead. My sister...Maliah...I couldn't do...Anything to save her..."

Raven put two and two together. She realized that Slade was after this kid because of his powers. And judging from his skin tone, he was not human.So Herald was right on that. Wherever this boy lived, he was adopted.She looked into his mind and found that out.There she also found out everything that was about Leo. To who he really was-To why he was sent here. To Earth,

Raven said to Leo, "You don't have anywhere to go. Come with me."

"Why should I try you?" Leo asked Raven.

"I would feel bad if i felt a broken somebody behind and besides, you would better with us"

"You don't know that." Said Leo.

"Technically. I do. Listen, you don't have to sit out here. You don't have to be alone. Yes, you went through a heavy loss, and I know what it's like. Believe me. But this could be a chance for you to use this to make sure that no one else ever suffers like you have. You're not the only one with a family. There are others too. Others that need heroes."

Leo eyed the cloaked girl. She was right about one thing, Leo didn't have anywhere to go.Leo didn't know who he was or what he was for that matter. Leo didn't know what happened or how he ended up here. But his gut told him that if he Trusted Raven, she could help him with that. He wiped away his tears and said, "I dunno why, but my gut is saying I should trust you. I don't have anyone to trust. So please don't betray it."

Raven smiled and replied, "As long as you don't betray my trust and the trust of my friends."

"So Slade is dead. Such a shame. At least he died as he lived. Alone..." A tone of a brooding and father-like voice came from a mother computer room within this massive school building. "It seems that this Leo child is this "Oviyan" specimen. I may have to talk with Blackfire about that. Afterwards, I'll leave him to her. As for Tsume...I think her abilities would be more beneficial... For my purposes...

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