Chapter 7: the trap

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Tsume was alone in Titans tower. The Titans had got the call and they needed to answer it. It was the next day, and despite being just the next day, Tsume felt as though only Herald trusted her and no one else. If anything most of the squad tolerated her. Tsume hoped that it would change. And even if it didn't it was better than being around Him again. Taking his orders. Doing his bidding. Allowing him to control her and manipulate her thoughts. Like she was his puppet. The setting where Tsume was The living room of Titan's tower. Tsume was reading a book Until she heard...A voice she did not want to hear...

"It seems you've gotten comfortable My apprentice. Tell me my dear Tsume, how long has it been since you actually assumed you could break free from me and do what you pleased?" Slade stood tall. Inches behind the Titan's main entrance.

How did he get in?He couldn't hack into TItan's tower that easily,Tsume Trembled in fear when seeing him there the book she was holding dropped from her hands ,she couldn't say any words to leave her mouth. She didn't know if groveling would work anymore. She thought that this life of Freedom that she just gained would last forever, she didn't want this freedom of hers to be taken from her. she wanted it to remain the way that she knew that she could change to get the other Titans to trust her until realizations hid her knowing she will never be able to get the freedom she crave so much.

" I'm... I didn't ..."

was all she could say to the guy as tears began to blur her vision, she looked down to the ground avoiding eye contact

"Oh...But you did." Slade approached Tsume. "You thought that you could run away and abandon the very teachings I taught you. Who taught you how to use your powers? Who gave you a home? Who gave you a family better than the ones who abandoned you and saw you as a mere kicked and lamed puppy? I did. I brought you into my world. And once you're in my world. You. Can never leave it."

"Please....let me was your Idea to break in the first place.... I'm following your orders, I just need more time.."

"You had your time, Tsume." Slade was now standing in front of Tsume. She helplessly tried to back away from Slade. She was scared to fight back against him.

Could that even be possible? Could she summon the strength to defy him? No.Not this time. This time was different. And the look in Slade's eyes proved it.

"You had your time to betray them. You had your time to kill them each in their sleep. But you didn't. And you know why you didn't. You cannot pull a fast one on me Tsume. Remember...I taught you everything you know...So now, we're going to do this my way...And you? My dear...Will be the bait for your precious little allies..."

When the Titans returned to Titan's Tower, on the outside, it looked untouched. On the inside? Very different tale.

"Look at this place. It's trashed. And not in a good way." Said Jinx.

"This was Tsume's work." Said Raven.

"You don't know that Raven-"

"Herald, you were the one who let her in. You were the one who gave her a room. You were the one that wanted to train her so she could be an honorary Titan. Right? Or Wrong?" Raven was ticked.

The stern tone in her voice proved that crystal clear.

"I did." Said Herald. "But she couldn't have done this. Not on her own."

"Uh...Guys...Herald might be right about that..." Kid Flash found a message transmitter that had the S logo encrypted on it.

"No...." Was Herald's reply of shock.

Along with the shock expressions of the other titans.

"Hello Titans. It's been too long since our last encounter. But nevertheless, this is a message given to you by yours truly. Your systems were not a match for my genius. No surprise. Seeing that I am quite the mastermind. You all must wonder where Tsume is? Well. I brought her back to me. Tsume was supposed to betray you all and have your heads. But instead, she chose to get to know you. To trust you. To hang with you. But you all know the truth. None of you trusted her. If you did, you would have set up the necessary procedures for her protection. But then, how could any of you save her from me? If you all care for her so much, follow these coordinates. It will lead you all to my base. And don't worry, I won't lay a finger on the girl. But she will lay a finger on all of you. And more...."

With that, the Transmission ended. Herald got the information to Slade's base.

"Tell me we're not going." Said Jinx.

"We have to. Tsume-"

"Was Slade's apprentice. We trusted you Herald. And look where that almost got us!" Raven shouted. "She could have killed us in our sleep!"

"You're right she could have. But she didn't. You want to know why?" Herald asked Raven.

"Does it really matter?"

"It may not matter to most of you guys but it does matter to me" Herald said. He sighed and looked at his team. "It may seem hard to believe that she is evil just because she is working for Slade. But Tsume isn't like that. I could tell she was begging for our help when she was hear but i could tell from what or from who, she a scared,Frightened little girl that has been running from slade and who know whats else"

"I'm not mad at the little girl, i think she's awesome...i just wish she was more open more"

Kid flash said, with The odds against them as they all agreed to go Rescue tsume, but it still didn't seem like a good idea for some of them as they knew it was a trap for them.

Nevertheless, Herald didn't care,He was going regardless.Whether his team agreed to come with or not.

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