Chapter 8: the fight

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Instead of using the Titan's Jet, Herald used his trumpet to open a portal to Slade's location. As they each entered through, Kid Flash whistled and said: Sheesh. Look at this place. It's very dark and brooding."

"It's also filled with Souvenirs." Jinx walked past a glass that held Robin's costume.

Another glass case held Beast Boy's costume. Starfire's. And Cyborg's body parts were in the final one.

"Do you like what I have done with my base?" Slade appeared from the shadows.

With him was Terra and Tsume. Tsume was wearing a suit that was similar to Terra's. This suit enhanced Tsume's skills and abilities. It also allowed Slade to have full control over Tsume's powers.

"Slade...What have you done to Tsume?!" Herald demanded.

Slade chuckled and replied, "Oh nothing. Just gave her a gift that will keep her from running away again. Oh, and this is a trap by the way. And you all just walked into it. Like I knew you would."

"It was never enough for you slade..." Rave growled. "It took so much to get rid of you. And Trigon."

"I remember. I was there. And so were your friends. They each put up a decent fight didn't they? Yet the song remained the same. You could have saved them. But you ran away like the coward you always were when daddy was around. It took the death of your friends for you to stand up. Which brings the question...What more must be taken away from you to keep the handful you have left? After losing so many?"

"Watch and see for yourself, bastard. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven fired her spells at Slade.

Slade controlled Tsume's body to stop the attack with her ice powers.


"That's right Raven...Let your shockness send chills down your spine. For it will be the last thing you'll remember before you're put into a frozen grave with your friends by the very person your leader thought you could trust... And to make sure they don't get in the way...Terra! Distract Kid Flash and Jericho and Jinx."

Terra cracked her knuckles. "And you'll take on Herald and Raven?"

"But of course. After all, I owe Herald a debt for being so naive."

Leo woke up, The location Leo and Maliah sparred was far from where they lived.

"What happened? Maliah. She knocked me out. Darn it Maliah. Why did you got back alone?!"

Leo flew to his old home, Only to find it in rubble.

"No...No...My home...My family....My friends....They're all gone...."

Leo looked all over for his family. First by sensing them out. Then he went by his old home. A limp arm was enough to assure Leo that his mother and father were dead. Leo's skin grew cold. He rushed throughout what was left of his city. No one was left alive. Not even Maliah. When Leo spotted Maliah...He trembled. Maliah's clothes were torn. She was leaking blood all over. Including her lower regions. Cuts and bruises and pieces of hair were stripped and done to Maliah. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body was held up by two small rock pillars. Her lower body was disabled. Leo....Trembled...He knew that Maliah was not only murdered brutally. She was defiled too.

"Why....Why Maliah...Why did you have to go and leave me? You were...You were my sister... My best friend...You meant everything to me...Everything..." Leo grew closer to Maliah's corpse. Leo broke the pillars that held her upper body upward. When Maliah's corpse collapsed, Leo reached for it and caught it. Leo stared at his sister's corpse. Leo held his sister's corpse in his arms.

"This isn't...This isn't...This isn't fair...Maliah...."

Leo held her closer to him.


Leo could feel himself slipping.


Leo let go of Maliah.Leo's entire persona.Leo's kindness.Leo's compassion.Leo's virtues.Leo's dreams. All that made Leo who he was. All that gave Leo his character. All gone through the echoing screams of Leo's anguish.Leo's pain. What remained?What was left?Sheer bloodlust. Sheer anger. Sheer-impure-Vengeance.It was at this moment, Leo transformed. The Leo known by many was no more. A new Leo took his place. And it was Legito. Legito, the hybrid of the Oviyan Race.

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