to the time we reunite.

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"Oh? Where are you going Xiao?"

Verr Goldet glanced at Xiao and he didn't have his polearm out. It was neatly tucked away and his clothes looked more put together then usual.

"I'm heading to the harbour. I don't look too out of place do I?"

"Not at all! You look quite nice actually"

The boss smiled and Xiao sighed. The adeptus quickly left and started travelling towards the harbour where Ganyu worked.

When he got there, it had already turned dark meaning the streets were busy with people leaving work. Being the introvert he is, Xiao sat outside the harbour entrance and waited a few hours to let the buzz die down.

"Hm, I just need to find where Ganyu is..."

He entered the harbour and looked around. He expected to see his old friend strolling around, carefree and relaxed. Yet her flowing hair was nowhere to be seen.

He walked up to Yujing Terrace and saw another adeptus he recognised. He hesitated to walk up to her but he ended up getting called out by her

"My my! If it isn't Adeptus Xiao! What a rare sight indeed"

"Good evening Madame Ping, I didn't expect to see you here"

He bowed respectfully but the old woman just laughed

"No need to upkeep old traditions... we are old acquaintances"

He looked around and saw a few Glaze Lilies blooming behind her. The flowers caught his attention as it reminded him of a goddess who cared for him alongside Ganyu. The memories had been repressed ever since she passed but the sight of her favourite flower aroused the thoughts.

"Now, I know you well enough to know you would never come to the harbour without reason... why have you come to the city?"

"I was looking for Ganyu, have you seen her?"

The granny smiled and nodded before pointing further into the terrace

"She should be in her office, I've only ever seen her outside once so you'll find her in that building over there"

Xiao quickly thanked her and ran in the direction she had pointed to. He arrived in front of a big building and before he could enter, he was stopped by a young woman

"Stop, state your business. If it's not urgent then please come back tomorrow"

Xiao clenched his fists and resisted the urge to shout at the mortal

"I'm just looking for an old friend"

"Who? Hm, whoever it is they have most likely left already. It's already quite late."

The certainty in his voice made Xiao second guess himself. He didn't want to talk to this woman anymore so he sighed and turned away

"Alright I'm leaving"

He walked down the stairs and was about to give up on any hope of seeing Ganyu. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice speaking to the woman the stopped him just a few moments ago

"Hm? Who was that?"

"Ah, Miss Ganyu. No worries, it was just someone looking for another member of the Liyue Qixing."

"Mm... okay-"

Xiao quickly ran back up the stairs and tapped Ganyu's shoulder before she disappeared back into the building

"Hey! What are you doing??? I told you-"

The blue haired adeptus dismissed the woman from work and once she left, Xiao looked at Ganyu

"It's been a while Xiao"

She smiled and led Xiao inside, bringing him into her office. His eyes widened at the sight that befell him. Piles and piles of documents stacked on top of her desk.

"This is your work?"


Ganyu followed Xiao's gaze and smiled before shaking her head

"This is much less then what I get given, I was just about to start my work when I heard the commotion outside."

The younger adeptus had stopped listening, the shock of the sheer amount of work Ganyu was given just stabbed straight through him like an sword.

Her casual smile was something he never expected anyone with this amount of work to ever show with such ease. If he was in this position, he would have shredded each and every piece of paper with his spear.

"Hm, why'd you come here? I thought you didn't like the humans?"

Xiao chuckled and sat down on the small couch that was in the office. Ganyu sat beside him and waited patiently for his reply

"I came to see you. It's been 2000 years since I last saw you and you've wondered how I was doing."

Ganyu's cheeks flushed a bright pink which was the result of her embarrassment

"I-I wasn't worrying about you!!"

"Tsk, did you forget about my passive ability? I can hear when anyone mentions my name"

Xiao looked at Ganyu with a caring shine in his lifeless eyes. His amber orbs met with her purple ones and they both got lost in each other's gaze. When they snapped out of their trance, Ganyu jumped up and went back to her desk.

She picked up her pen and started working on the documents as Xiao watched. Her hand glazed over each paper and completed all the work flawlessly. Her concentration and dedication was something Xiao had always admired about her. Ever since they met, Ganyu was like an older sister to Xiao. Yet his heart saw her in a different light.

Ganyu realised his odd behaviour and looked up from his desk. She threw her pen into her stationery organiser and put aside her work

"You're staring at me... are you alright?"

Xiao blinked at her and quickly averted his vision.

"I should leave, you seem to be busy"

He stood up and put his hand on the door when Ganyu put her hand on top of his. He looked beside to meet her smile.

"I can take a break. Besides, you're taking a break from your work too. I should at least spend some time with you before the sun rises"

She opened the door for the younger male and shut off the lights before closing the door. Ganyu led Xiao down to the harbour and gazed up. Xiao mirrored her actions and looked up to see many lanterns. All that carried the wishes of everyone in the harbour.

"Actually, you've come at the perfect time! It's the Lantern Rite Festival and the city is very beautiful up at night"

Xiao felt Ganyu's hand intertwine with his own and her cheerful aura made Xiao's lips curl up into a smile as well


Haha so idk why I'm still writing this even though no one is reading it :D

I just think these two deserve more love :(

Have a nice day everyone :D

Date Written~ 28th June 2021
Word Count~ 1113
Written by~ Saku._.kkura

Heart full of Flowers~ A Xiaoyu AUWhere stories live. Discover now