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What if Klaus Mikaelson had a twin sister? Another hybrid? No how about a tribrid, half vampire, half werewolf, and half witch.

Kara Mikaelson.

When they were humans Kara used to try to practice magic with her younger brother, Kol, but her mother wouldn't let her. Because Kara had to siphon from her brother Kol or enchanted things.

Kara was a siphon. An abomination of nature, as her mother liked to call it.

Her father, Mikael, would call her an abomination because Kara couldn't generate her own magic.
So they isolated her from her brother Kol, their parents to afraid she would harm him.

Kara still had her twin Klaus and her older brother Elijah and younger siblings Rebekah and Henrik, but Kol was her favorite other then Niklaus.

The bond between Klaus and Kara was strong. They would speak in sync, or they would just look at each other and immediately know what the other was thinking.

When they turned into vampires through the immortality spell, they found out a secret that Esther, their mother, had been keeping from them all. Klaus and Kara weren't Mikael's biological children.

Esther had an affair with a fellow werewolf villager. Ansel.

So Mikael told Esther to curse her children, Klaus and Kara, so they would have no contact with their werewolf nature. Then Mikael killed the twins father and half the pack, creating a war between the two species Werewolves and Vampires.

Driven by anger Niklaus and Kara murdered their mother, and kept it secret from their siblings. Mikael angered by Klaus and Kara betrayal hunted his children for centuries.

The twins stayed behind with their siblings to help Rebekah, their younger sister, bury their mother, thus creating the vow "Always and Forever".

Klaus and Kara bond became stronger when they turned, they would do anything for each other. When Kara awoke as a vampire she realized she could do magic, she was happy but when Kol realized he had lost his magic he became distant from Kara.

Kara was devastated when Kol started to drift away from her, but she knew that he would come through.

Kara grew as a vampire after her first love had broken her heart. Lucien Castle was the man who broke Kara, and the man who let her know that love was not always an option.

But love was what saved Kara from her own self-hate.

Kara met Stefan Salvatore in the 1860's and she had fallen in love. But she had left when Katherine started to mess with the Salvatore boys, destroying Kara's relationship with Stefan.

So join Kara and her journey to breaking her twin brother and hers curse. Maybe finding love along the way with an old lover.

Karazhan Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore

𝐹𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑠

𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑠

"Stefan Salvatore."
"Mikaelson. Kara Mikaelson."

"Caroline Forbes."
"Karazhan Mikaelson."

"Niklaus & Karazhan."

Started: March 10th, 2021
Re-Written: June 28th, 2021
Finished: TBD
COVER BY -wuvstories
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