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" I mean 'no'. Do you want to hear it in Spanish? Noh."

A 1980 RONIN's EGG BLUE CJ5 JEEP RACED DOWN THE ROAD, passing the 'welcome to mystic falls' sign. A 2012 red Mini Cooper also passed the 'welcome to mystic falls' sign and it soon passed the jeep on the road. Loud music could be heard coming from the jeep and the cooper, and soon enough the jeep and cooper were parked outside the Mikaelson Mansion.

The passenger door to the Mini Cooper opened first, Elijah Mikaelson appeared, he walked over to the drivers side and opened the door for Athena. They looked over to the jeep and watched as three doors opened, Stiles, Derek, and Lydia exited.

"Who are they?" Athena asked elijah as they held hands, elijah shrugged.

"Probably Niklaus's or Karazhan's friends. Come on." Elijah told her as he started to lead her towards the house.

Stiles looked over to the two vampires walking towards the door and looked back at Derek.

"That's Elijah and Athena, right?" Stiles asked making Derek look over and nod, as then Lydia came in between them.

"She's so pretty!" Lydia exclaimed before she started to walk towards the house with stiles and Derek following after her.

That's when a bucket of vervain and wolfsbane filled water was emptied over Kara, she screamed in pain as the herbs burned her skin, but it didn't stop there as another bucket with the same ingredients were emptied over her again.

Karazhan scream so loud that her throat had gotten sore, she tried to ignore the burning but she couldn't, it hurt so bad.

"P-please." Kara begged with her eyes closed, she didn't know who was doing this, but she just wanted out.

A broken sob sounded from in front of kara making her slowly open her eyes and find a blurry sight of her little sister, tied to a chair. Kara started to battle against the ropes, she didn't care if they burned her, she needed to help Rebekah.

"Stop it! Let her go." Kara yelled as she heard footsteps, her sight was pretty blurry but she could see Rebekah in pain.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Kara and Rebekah heard from the right side of the room, making them turn to find Damon.

"I am going to rip you apart!" Rebekah yelled before she groaned in pain, a vervain laced knife was stabbed into her thigh by Tyler.

"Leave her alo — ah!" Kara yelled in pain as another bucket was emptied above her.

"Why a-are doing this to us?" Kara cried, she had never been one to show emotions but she couldn't handle Rebekah in pain. She couldn't.

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