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{ Season 2, Episode 18 }

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{ Season 2, Episode 18 }

Kara danced with a guy-she didn't bother learning his name-and she could feel Stefan's jealous eyes on her. Kara wasn't stupid, of course she knew Stefan was trying to move on and whatnot, but was he really over Karazhan?

Kara could never get over Stefan, as she loved him too much. But if he really has moved on, she would also try to do it.

Over the years she had spent with Stefan, and ripper Stefan, she had fallen even deeper for him. It wasn't simple, as they would have their fights and break ups, but they would always come back together-you could say they were toxic-and they were. But that didn't mean they didn't love each other, because they did.

As much as they would both say that it was over and that they didn't love each other anymore, they didn't mean it.

Karazhan knew Stefan like the back of her hand, and vice versa. So she knew that whatever he had with the doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert, would soon end.

But if Stefan actually meant that he didn't love her anymore, she would move on-sorry she would try to move on.

Stefan and Kara had never actually had an actual relationship. It was mostly sex and acting like a couple, since they never really labeled their relationship, and to be quite honest...Stefan and Kara didn't care if they were boyfriend and girlfriend, they were together and nothing else mattered.

Kara didn't get a chance to blink as a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her into their chest-people really had a thing for pulling Kara- Kara met eyes with Damon Salvatore.

"Damon Salvatore. Stefan's older brother." Kara said a glare. "You Salvatores have a thing for pulling my hand."

"Cut the crap, Kara. Stefan told me." Damon told her making her scoff, and roll her eyes.

"That still doesn't matter. You guys seriously have a problem, do you guys grab all ladies like that?" Kara asked. "Y'all used to be so gentle, now you're all rough. I like it." Kara told him with a teasing smile making Damon smile, he had missed her.

"Careful, don't want your on and off boyfriend to get mad." Damon told her making Kara perk up and look around the gym.

"Derek is here?" Kara asked making Damon frown and from across the room Stefan chest burned with jealousy, who the hell was Derek?

"Whose Derek?" Damon asked as he twirled Kara around before pulling her in and dipping her.

"Derek Hale. A friend." Kara told him before winking at him at the friend part.

Stefan heads over to Damon and Kara, and stops there dancing. "Come here, come here, come here." Stefan pulls Damon away leaving Kara smiling in the middle of the dance floor.

Kara listened to their conversation before walking away from the gym and heading to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom she walked over to the sink and turned the faucet on, washing her hands. The door opened, and in walked in Elena Gilbert.

"Elizabeth, right?" Elena asked with a kind smile making Kara nod as she turned off the faucet and grabbed a towel.

"Yeah. You're Elena, right?" Kara asked her making her nod, "Stefan's your boyfriend." Kara stated making Elena narrow her eyes at her.

"He is. Why?" Elena asked making Kara smirk and walk towards her.

"I was just asking for a friend. Her name is Kara, you should check Stefan's journal, he writes about her. Very detailed." Kara told her before she smiled at her and walked away, Kara was walking back to the gym when she was pulled into a room.


"Why would you tell her that?!" Stefan asked her making Kara roll her eyes.

"I was just telling her, that you haven't been so honest with her." Kara told him making him scoff.

"Karazhan, why are you here?" Stefan asked her, making her laugh.

"I'm here for my doppelgänger. My twin brother is very excited to break this curse." Kara told him making him pull away from her, taking a step back, as if she had burned him.

"Nik is here?" Stefan asked her making her sigh and nod, was he that stupid, that he didn't realize Klaus was Nik from the twenties.

"Stefan. Nik is Klaus." Kara told him making him frown, "Niklaus. Nik-Klaus. Ring a bell?" Kara asked him making him sigh and nod, of course.

Klaus had compelled Stefan in the twenties, that if Stefan wasn't near one of the originals that he wouldn't be able to tell others who they were.
(A/n: its like how Klaus compelled Camille!)

Stefan scoffed and rubbed his chin, making Kara smile before she leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then walking away.

"I'll see you soon, Stef." Kara called out over her shoulder as Stefan stood there, a hand pressed to the cheek Kara kissed.



Short chapter!

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