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{ Season 3, Episode 1 }" perfect, idiotic mistake

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{ Season 3, Episode 1 }
" perfect, idiotic mistake. "

"I'm just saying if you're going to have a bitch fit, make sure you do it away from my paintings!"

Klaus yelled at his sister - who looked as bored as someone could be - while Stefan sat in driver seat -annoyed with the siblings who wouldn't stop fighting -and the twins in the backseat, acting like children.

"And how many times do I have to fucking tell you?! It wasn't me." Kara yelled back as Stefan just wanted to crash the car into a tree and end them all, but it wouldn't work as they were immortals.

Stefan slammed the brakes making the twins go forward but we're stopped by the seats.

"Hey, Watch it you idiot!" Kara and Klaus exclaimed in sync making Stefan turn back in the seat.

"If you two continue to act like children, I will turn this car back and we will not go looking for your werewolves. Understood?" Stefan told them, as they pouted and crossed their arms in sync.

"Fine." "Whatever."

Stefan sighed, before he turned back and restarted the car. Driving the down the road and the only thing that was heard was the soft tune of music coming from the stereo.

Then the bickering started again a few minutes later. But all Stefan did was drive, he was like an over-worked mother but instead of kids he got two hybrids who wouldn't shut up.

* * *

A woman walks outside the house from the kitchen door, looking for her dog; Rudy.

"Rudy!" The woman tells as she then whistles. "Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you." she bends down and picks up a toy and when she turns around Klaus and Kara suddenly appear in front of her.

"We're so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." Klaus says in a horrible American accent that made Kara want to break out of character and die of laughter.

"Can I help you two?" the woman asked making Kara smile as she pushed back the thoughts of laughing.

"Yeah, our car, hmm, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back." Kara tells her making Klaus shoot her a glare. "Eh, I feel like we've been walking forever yours is the first house we come to so we were just hoping we could use your phone?" Kara tells the lady once more, making the woman look at them with suspicion.

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