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" no you don't Topper! You love the idea of me, you love being seen with me, but you don't love me. "

KARA AND CAROLINE WERE COOKING BREAKFAST FOR LIZ, when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs, their eyes widen before they look at the mess around them. There was pancake batter everywhere on the counter, and flour on their clothing, and dirty bowls and pots on the sink. The kitchen was a mess.

Liz walked in to the kitchen to see the mess, she stared wide eyed at the two girls, who had done this in less then an hour.

"I'm not even going to ask." Liz muttered before she grabbed the cup to go — that was filled with coffee — from Caroline's stretched out hand before exiting.

When Liz closed the front door, the two vampires got to cleaning, when they were finished — about two hours later — they looked up to find Stefan, staring at them with amusement.

"Is Nik on his way?" Kara asked as she washed the last dish making, Stefan nod. Stefan glance at Caroline, and she took that as a signal to leave so she did, not after shooting a thumbs up at Kara behind Stefan's back.

"What's up?" Kara asked as she dried her hands, Stefan was taking slow strides towards her, till he stopped in front of her.

"Let leave town." Stefan spoke making Kara frown, but before she could speak Stefan interrupted. "After Homecoming. Knowing Klaus, he will have a grand gesture. So let's leave afterwards. Just go, hit the road and let's not turn back." Stefan finished leaving her wide eyed, she soon sighed, making Stefan nervous.

"Stefan..." Kara trailed off but stopped when Stefan grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"Don't give me an answer, yet. I'll wait till tonight, if you don't want to go, that's fine." Stefan started. "But I am still going to leave after tonight. And you can choose to come with me or stay. I won't be mad if you choose to stay." Stefan told her as he played with her fingers, making her frown.

"I just want you to know that...I love you Karazhan. I've always love you and I will never stop loving you." Stefan told her before he leaned in and kissed her lips, making her freeze but yet she still returned the kiss.

The kiss was passionate and rough, yet so soft and full of love. Stefan soon pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other.

"I hope you'll say yes. I'll see you soon, sweetheart." Stefan told her before pulling away and walking away, leaving the house.

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