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Isobel's car drives inside the cemetery and stops. Isobel's minion gets out of the driver's seat, and opens the side door and Isobel gets out of the car.

"Just because you can't be compelled doesn't mean I can't force you to come with me." Isobel told her daughter making Elena get out of the car.

"So is that what happened? You were compelled to betray Katherine?" Elena questioned as she walked besides Isobel.

"If I was, I couldn't tell you." Isobel tells her making Elena scoff,

"So you lied. You did find Klaus, and Kara, didn't you? They know where I am now. Are you taking me to them?" Elena questioned but Isobel doesn't answer but instead walks to a tombstone and crouches down in front of it.

"What is this?" Elena asked as Isobel clears some leaves from the tombstone.

It reads "In loving memory - Isobel Flemming - Jan 18, 1978 - May 4, 2007"

"My parents-your grandparents-they put it here when it became clear that the police weren't gonna find my body." Isobel started. "They visit every week, and they bring flowers, even though there's no one buried here." Isobel told her before she sighed.

"The Isobel they knew is dead. So maybe there's a part of me that's buried here, the-the human part, the part that I abandoned when I-when I choose to become a vampire, the part that used to dream about the day that she'd know her daughter." Isobel told her making her shocked, Isobel wanted to meet her?

"What?" Elena asked in disbelief as Isobel merely shrugs.

"And instead you got to meet the other part...The part that would betray her own flesh and blood." Isobel tells her as then the vampire phone rings. She answers and its the warlock, Maddox.

"I have Katherine and the moonstone. Is the doppelgänger safe?" Maddox asked making Isobel nod even if he couldn't see her.


"Then let her go." Maddox told her making her frown but schooled her expression.

"Let her go?" Isobel questioned making Maddox roll his eyes, that's what he said isn't it?

"Klaus and Kara have everything they need for now. Your part is finished. You did what Klaus compelled you to do." Maddox told her making smile a bit, as she was free.

"I'm done?" Isobel asked making Maddox nod,

"You're done."
She hangs up with a look of relief.

"Who was that?" Elena questioned making Isobel sigh, and look at her sadly, she really need want to get to know Elena, but it was too late.

"I'm so sorry, Elena. I was such a disappointment to you." Isobel tells her before she pulls off her daylight necklace and starts burning in the sunlight.

Isobel screams as she bursts into flames, and falls to the ground in front of her grave. Elena's shocked.

Athena Mikaelson was out on the balcony of a hotel room, she was in a black robe, as a figure walks over to her. Standing besides her with their hands in their pant pockets.

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