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{Season 2, Episode 19}

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{Season 2, Episode 19}

☀︎︎That morning, Kara woke up to her phone ringing.

Her hand reached for her phone, as a pillow hit her in the face-a way to tell her, to shut her phone up; as the other person was clearly trying to sleep.

"Turn it off!" Klaus voice was muffled as he buried his face deeper into the pillow, his twin sister laying besides him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." Kara muttered as she answered her phone.

"Privet." Kara greeted into the phone making the other person smile in relief; as Kara had answered the phone.

"Kara!" Athena exclaimed making Kara sit up in bed, as she was excited to talk to her sister in law.

"Athena! My one true love, how are you doing?" Kara asked as she got out off bed, a pillow hitting her on the head as she walked towards the door.

"Shut it! I am trying to sleep." Klaus exclaimed making her scoff as she throws the pillow back at him.

The rest of the morning was spent talking to Athena, about both their relationship problems.


Elijah and Athena Mikaelson walk up to the door of the Salvatore house, Elijah knocked once and the married couple waited. The door opened and they were met with Elena Gilbert, making Athena gasp; she really did look exactly as Katerina.

England 1492,

Inside a mansion a party is underway as the room is filled with guests talking to each other. Trevor is speaking with a woman as Elijah held his hand out for his wife to take-which she did, a bright smile on her face.

Elijah's hand went to her waist as hers went to wrap around his neck as they started to dance to the music.

"You look absolutely stunning, my love." Elijah told her making her cheeks redden, he still had a way to make her blush, Elijah smirked at this.

Athena muttered a small 'thank you' before she leans in and presses her lips to his making him smile and kiss her back.

The couple were interrupted by Rebekah, who pulled her sister away from her older brother.

"Athena, come with me." Rebekah told her making Athena shoot Elijah a sorry look but he just shook it off, he would be seeing her later.

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