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INSTEAD OF GOING TO THE BALL, Karazhan and Stefan had other plans. They had left. They left town and didn't look back.

They packed a few clothes and a couple of things before they just left. They didn't need much, they had each other and they could just compel or buy whatever they needed.

Stefan stood in front of Kara as they had conjoined hands, it was quiet. So quiet. Maybe it was them just being to busy focusing on the other than rather listening to the person speaking to them.

Kara bursted out laughing, she couldn't hold it in anymore, Stefan soon joined. They both laughed so loudly till their stomachs hurt and that was a concerning as they were vampires.

What were they doing?

Were they really going to do this?! Yes.

Kara and Stefan's laughing came to an end as they calm down, they gazed into to each others eyes and smiled. It was their turn to have their happiness.

Kara and Stefan leaned in and shared a passionate yet so soft and delicate kiss. When they pulled away they both had huge smiles on their faces.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife." The priest said making clapping come from the benches on the other side of the room.

Did they forget to mention that they needed witnesses to get married. Klaus and Caroline, stood proudly, still dressed in their ball clothes, as they had gotten a call from Kara and immediately rushed to them, only to find out that Stefan and Kara were getting married.

Caroline was so happy she could be here for this moment. Stefan looked so much happy with Kara, than with anyone else.

Lexi couldn't make it but she was so happy when she heard the news from Stefan earlier.

Klaus gave his sister a thumbs up, he knew that their family were wondering were they where but Klaus didn't care, this was his sister big day. Even if the rest of their family were going to be upset, they would get over it as Klaus and Kara knew that Athena and Rebekah would throw another wedding but a big one just to celebrate.

Stefan and Kara looked at each other and smile brightly, they were married, after 200 hundred years of an on and off relationship. This was it. Their happiness.

Stefan was a little saddened that his brother wasn't here to celebrate with him, but he knew that Damon was to busy with Elena to realize that he's brother was gone. Maybe Damon would come around...who knew?

Kara looked down at her "wedding dress". It was simply a white sun dress and Stefan was in a white dress shirt and black slacks. They were not prepared but they still looked smoking hot.

Caroline and Klaus soon celebrated the married couple. It was a good night. Klaus and Caroline soon left to give the married couple space.

Klaus left with a huge smile on his face, his sister got her happiness and that's all that mattered, now he just needed Rebekah to get hers and he would finally be able to rest.

Klaus cared for all his siblings but he needed to make sure his sisters were well taking care of first.

Kara turned to Stefan and kissed him, they were in the hotel room now. Stefan kissed back and pushed her back on the bed.

Then the night was full of passion and love, lust and all their emotions combined together. They were married.

And they couldn't be happier...but
does their story really end here?


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