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{season 2, episode 20}" i was wrong, stefan

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{season 2, episode 20}
" i was wrong, stefan. you are an asshole. "

Kara groaned, the sun hitting her eyes, as she rolled onto her side, Athena laid besides her; sleeping peacefully. Kara raised her hand and slapped Athena in the face, making the blond sit up in alert.

"What the hell, Karazhan!"

Kara smiled as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Athena got out of bed, wearing one of Elijah's dress shirts and black panties, Kara followed after and she had on pajama pants and a grey sports bra.

The girls having had a sleepover as Elijah and Klaus went out for drinks to plan out the sacrifice. The hotel door opened, and in walked in Klaus and Elijah.

The two men spotted their sister making the bed as they heard the faucet in the bathroom running-Athena.

"Good morning, idioty." Kara muttered as she insulted them in Russian. Kara and Athena had spent a whole decade in Russian before coming to Mystic Falls, and their accents followed them.

"Good morning, bitch." Klaus responded to her making Elijah sigh as he shook his head, not liking how his younger siblings insulted each other.

"Can we not?" Elijah asked making the twins smirk at each other before speaking in sync.

"Is someone not getting enough sex?" Elijah gaped at his siblings making them giggle before they high-fived each other.

"That is my business, not yours." Elijah told them making Kara shrug as she looked at him with a smirk.

Kara walked up to her older brother and smile innocently making her brothers narrow their eyes at her.

"Athena can do this thing with her tongue, and ugh! It's so go-" Kara was cut off when Athena clamped her hand over Kara's mouth.

"What?" Elijah asked as he stared at both women in disbelief as Klaus had bursted out laughing.

"She's kidding." Athena spoke as she removed her hand to reveal a smirking Kara.

"Just kidding, 'lijah. She's all yours." Kara told him before she leaned up and kiss both of her brothers cheeks before going to take a shower.

The three soon started to talk about Elijah's meeting with the Salvatores and Elena this morning. Klaus already agreeing to explain everything to Kara later, as she was taking a shower.


"Are y'all just plain stupid?!"

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