The Unusual Argument_A SaiRat TS_Part 1

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Not for the first time, an argument had broken out at dinner in the ancient house of the Chavans, Chavan Niwas. Though there was something unusual about this argument, there was nothing unusual about this argument being unusual, after all, it was between the two most unusual people, who could argue about the most usual of things.

Leaving behind our chant of "usual" and "unusual", we move ahead to eavesdrop on the conversation of these two unusual people.

"Seriously, Sai? Are you out of your mind?" Virat asked, disbelief dominating his emotions.

I mean, no-
I mean-
Ugh! Never mind that!
Virat sir, please, just once," Sai pleaded.

"No, Sai, this is too much. We can't do it here-
Not in front of all of them," he said, his gaze running across the table full of people oblivious of the argument that had erupted inches away from them.

Unusual, thought Virat.

But the Chavan Niwasis weren't the only oblivious people on the scene.

Craning her neck, and trying to hear every word spoken  in this unusual argument of the two unusual people with all her might, was Patralekha Salunkhe, leaving Sai and Virat oblivious of her eavesdropping.

Sai followed Virat's gaze across the table, her eyes landing upon her husband's best friend, who was hastily withdrawing her gaze.

She turned right again, as Virat  came into her view, and said, "Please, Virat sir. We do it in the room, don't-?"

"Hush!!" said Virat, placing his palm across her lips.

"Lower down your voice, everyone in the family becoming aware of your demands is the last thing we want," he whispered, causing Patralekha the need to feign the necessity of some salt, as she stretched across the table. 

The sudden movement caused Sai to turn, as the two women mirrored each other's face with intense loathing. The older of the two was apparently quicker, as she once again sank into her chair, the salt lying unused.

"But someone," Sai said, "already is aware."

It was Virat's turn to follow her gaze.

"Ah..." he said, when he saw what Sai was emphasising, "it doesn't matter, you know, but that doesn't mean I'm giving in."

She frowned.

"Haven't I fulfilled every demand of yours, Sai? Haven't I?" he asked earnestly.

"Yes, that is why you can't back out from this one, Virat sir. Hadn't you vowed to my father to take my responsibility?  To fulfill my demands and wishes?" she asked.

"Yes, and I've been doing that responsibly since months, haven't I?"

She nodded.

He continued, "But this is too much, Sai. Seriously, here?! These actions should be confined to our bedroom. I never imagined you'd be so bold. How can you even think of doing this in front of the whole family, knowing all of them very well?"

Her expression unchanged, she said, "I know why you're denying. You don't want her," jerking her thumb towards the opposite side, "to feel jealous or hurt."

His eyes widening in disbelief, he replied, "How could you even think of that? I thought you knew me well. You have disappointed me-"

"I haven't! It's not my fault if your actions sugges-!"

"No!" he whispered, "And keep your voice down, will you? Sai, once back in our room, I pro-"

"Don't you dare make another promise-!"

"Alright! All right, I won't. Just, we won't do it here, not with everybody present, end of discussion."

"But, Virat sir-"

"I said, end of discussion."


"End of discussion."

She sighed. It was time for her to play her trump card.

"You don't care about me, I know it! You don't consider me as your wife. I hold no value in your life. I'm unwanted, aren't I? All right, I'll be leaving tomorrow," she stated.

Virat, who had been shaking his head all the while, suddenly became alert.

"What do you mean by 'I'll be leaving tommorow'? You can't leave me! Where will you go? How will you manage?"

"Yes, I can! 
Hostel, or Pulkit Jiju and Devi Tai's, anywhere but here. For your information, by the way, I'm not dependent on you anymore. I've got Aaba's money and a room in a hostel, and a family who truly cares, Devi Tai's family. I would have been long gone from here had you not chosen to use your rights as a husband and stopped me," she replied.

Impotent, he gave in.

"All right, all right, calm down, I'll do it!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Virat sir!" she exclaimed.

He sighed as he leaned in. Call it his luck, but the Chavan Niwasis remained oblivious, though he could feel a pair of eyes upon him and her, but he chose to ignore it, as he lifted the spoon to Sai's mouth and made her eat.

She squealed happily, whilst he sighed in relief, the Chavan Niwasis still hadn't noticed.

"Shut your mouth, Pakhi Didi, there are many mosquitoes buzzing here and there," Sai said, as everyone stared at the open mouthed Patralekha.


I wrote this quite a while ago, out of frustration. SaiRat have progressed a lot since their last Khaana romance, but I hope it still makes you laugh. Part 2 will be out soon. 

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