Beneath The Stars_A SaiRat TS_Part 1

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DISCLAIMER: Before you read this TS, I want you to know the thoughts and opinions projected below are those of the Virat Chavan within my imagination, not mine.


As he climbed up the stairs - his mood much worsened compared to when he was climbing down them in the morning - he was exhausted at the most.

He could not take it anymore: the every-day unnecessary dramas over breakfast and dinner, the never-ending complains, the taunts, accusations, allegations, and what not?

He was a Police Officer. He already had a lot to deal with it; and recently, a headache that never seemed to cease had been added to the list. Being subjected to these daily dramas was pushing him to such an extent of exhaustion that he sometimes wished he could just disappear. Why did they not understand it?

Then came She. She, who had the power to enable him to forget about all his frets and worries in a blink of an eye. How? He did not know.

Having had had one more dose of those never-ending complains, he was at the verge of exploding, which was highly unusual. It may be categorised as boasting, yet he was the most calm person he knew - with, he accepted, an exception of a few recent events.

Thus, in his ill-tempered state, he walked on. Reaching the door, he heard faint giggles and laughs echoing from his room. He stood, enchanted, at the door, until he heard Her speak.

"Shut it, Ajinkya!" said Sai, when the giggles subsided.

This was the last nail in the coffin.

After the exhausting day at work, and the evermore exhausting discussions - if to be said in the most polite way - downstairs, this was the last thing he needed: her laughing away at some lame joke A...

Wait a moment. What was his name again? What's happening with him? He heard the name moments ago. It began from A... Anirudh, was it? Or was it 'Aniroop'? No... something like 'Aniket', wasn't it? Oh, he did not know!

Anyways, her laughing away at some lame joke that Anirudh/Aniroop/Aniket guy cracked was the last thing he needed.

Rage rushing up to his already pounding head, he entered within, closing the door behind him.

"Nahi yaar, it's absolutely fine, I'll manage," he heard her say, completely ignoring his deliberate rather noisy arrival.

An enraging pause later - between which he had secured himself a position behind her, arms folded across his chest - she smiled at something the Anirudh/Aniroop/Aniket guy at the other end said, turning ninety degrees to her left on the study table, her face now visible to him, behind her flowing locks of jet black.

Momentarily, he abandoned his fury, and let his spirits rise at her enchanting smile.

"Han, main usse-" she stopped, her long locks bothering her, and she trying to push them aside.

After a failed attempt at freeing her face, she began once again, "Han, I'm there. Han, I will-
No, it wasn't for you, mere baal beech mein aarahe hain, let me just-"

She froze, as Virat approached her, tucking her locks behind her ears, running his fingers down her jaw, holding her chin, leaning in to plant a kiss at the her nose, which, he could not do, because Sai suddenly turned back, and hurriedly said into the phone, "Hmm... maine uss se keh diya hai-

Ah, he thought, so Ajinkya is the name.

"-I'm sorry, I can't talk now, I...
Thanks. Yes, thank you so much. Bye.
Yes, see you soon."

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