A Trip To Heaven_A Virat Chavan OS

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As he opened his eyes, he saw white every where. He did not know where he was, or how he got there. His head pounded with unbearable pain. It seemed as though he did not have any control over his body, he could not feel anything. He tried to get up - it seemed he was lying on a bed, but this bed was way too small to be the one from his bedroom, nor was his bedroom so white - but failed miserably and groaned. He looked here and there; no sign of human presence. He closed his eyes, trying to recall what had happened before he had fainted.

It came to him so suddenly that it felt as though someone was playing a tape recorder inside his mind.

He woke up as he heard the alarm buzz, indicating the arrival of the fifth hour of the day. He looked at the other side of the bed, past the wall of pillows. He did not know why he hopefully looked there every day, since the past 3 years, knowing very well that She wouldn't be there. Never. It was he who was responsible for that. He, who had never been able to convince her to stay. He, who had not been able to confess his love to her. He, who had let her go the day of her convocation. He, who had stood silent whenever she was insulted, rather tortured, by his family. He, who had not been able to express her significance and importance in his life. He, who had ruined everything. And yet, he expected her to return to him. It was not as though he hadn't tried; he had. Tried finding her day and night, but found, he had not. Whenever he was any near his destination, fate played its card, and he was left disappointed.

As far as he knew, she was now a successful doctor, working in a well-reputed hospital. His last hope was: the most dangerous of missions; either he would find his way to her or die - which he already was, without her, he was breathing, his heart was pumping, he was surviving, but he was dead. Dead within. He would want it finished with, once and for all. Yet, he had succeeded in neither.

With what took all his might, he got up.

Few hours later, he was getting dressed for another of those missions.

The tape recorder stopped abruptly. He pressed his temples with his thumb and forefinger, trying to remember further.

He saw a fast-forwarded clip which he could not decipher. At last, he saw something coherent and focused.

He saw a bullet speed towards him. Her face flashed in his mind for a second, and then darkness spread everywhere. All he heard, was a whisper.


He did not know if it had echoed from his mouth.

A bullet had hit him. So, where was he now? Was he... dead? Was this... heaven? After all, whiteness was all he could see.

He heard a swift creak and saw a figure in white approaching him. Was it an angel? Did heaven had doors that creaked? Or angels that wore a stethoscope... or a mask?

He again tried to get up, but fell back with a thud again, wincing in pain. The figure in white approached him in a hurry.

This could not be heaven. He couldn't be dead if he could still feel pain.

He felt a gloved hand on his arm, and turned to look at the cause of this. She was no angel, she was a doctor, but she looked angelic to him.

As he looked at her face, as still as stone, he noticed a familiar twinkle in her eyes.

She helped him sit up, and then said, jerking a thumb behind, "Your... er, friend, is waiting outside for you to gain consciousness. Your family came to visit yesterday, but all of them went back, but her. Would you like me to call her?"

He did not hear a word, all he noticed was the voice. The voice of his wife. The voice of the girl he loved. The voice he had yearned to hear for the past 3 years.

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